Confucius said, "Words without deeds, loyalty to the past, beat my old Peng."
Confucius said, "What's the use of studying silently, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?"
Confucius said, "Worry if you don't practice morality, don't talk about learning, listen to righteousness but don't move, and don't change if you are not good."
The son of Yanju, so is Shen and so is Yao.
Confucius said: "I am weak! I haven't dreamed of Duke Zhou for a long time! "
Confucius said, "The ambition is in Tao, the virtue is in virtue, the benevolence is in benevolence, and you are wandering in art."
Confucius said, "I have never been ignorant of self-discipline."
Confucius said, "If you don't get angry, you won't get angry." If you don't take one corner, use three corners to contradict it, and it's gone. "
Children are not satisfied with undertaker's side.
If you cry every day, you won't sing.
Confucius said to Yan Yuan, "Use it, discard it and hide it. Only you and I are husbands. " Lutz said, "If you join the three armed forces, who will join you?" Confucius said, "I don't think so if you die without regrets." "I'm sure I'm afraid of things, and I'm sure I'll succeed as long as I'm good at it."
Confucius said, "You can ask for wealth. Although you are a whipping man, I will do it for you. If you can't get it, just do as I say. "
The precepts of the son: qi, war and disease.
I heard Shao Zaiqi, but I didn't know the meat in March. He said, "I don't want to be happy, but I am so happy."
You Ran asked, "Is your master Wei Jun?" Zi Gong said, "Promise; I'll ask. " He went in and said, "Who is Boyi and who is Shu Qi?" He said, "Even ancient sages." He said, "Are you disgusted?" He said, "Why complain if you seek benevolence?" When he left, he said, "My Lord can't do it."
Confucius said, "Eating and drinking water and bending your arms and pillows are fun. Being unjust and rich is like a cloud to me. "
Confucius said, "Add me a few years old, and I will learn easily at the age of 50, so it doesn't matter."
Yan Zi, poetry, books and ceremonies are all elegant.
Lord Ye asked Confucius about Luz, but Luz was wrong. Confucius said, "A woman is a human being if she doesn't say anything. She was angry and forgot to eat, enjoying forgetting her troubles. I don't know that her old age is coming. "
Confucius said, "I didn't know it from birth, but I wanted to find it since ancient times."
The child is not strange, powerful, chaotic, and god.
Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher: choose good and follow it, and change evil and follow it."
Confucius said, "Being born with virtue is more important than giving. What should you give it? "
Confucius said, "Do the second sons and the third sons keep me a secret? I have nothing to hide. " If I do nothing, it is that Ye Qiu will not go with the second and third sons. "
Zi teaches four things: words, actions, loyalty and faith.
Confucius said, "Saint, I can't see; If only I could meet a gentleman. " Confucius said: "Good man, I can't see; You can see that there is a constant, and you can do it. "It is difficult to have perseverance when you die for something, but you are vain for profit and willing for Thailand."
No classes for fishing, no shooting for cruising.
Confucius said, "What I don't know has nothing to do with me." Listen more, choose good and follow; Read more and understand more; I know twice. "
It is difficult to talk to each other in my hometown. When the boy saw it, his master was confused. Confucius said, "Why not retreat and advance?" If a person is clean, he can be promoted. If he is clean, he is not guaranteed to leave. "
Confucius said, "Is benevolence far away? I want to be kind, I am so kind. "
When Chen Si was defeated, he asked Zhao Gong if he knew the ceremony. Confucius said, "Know the courtesy." Confucius retreated from witchcraft and said, "I heard that a gentleman is not a party, but a gentleman is a party?" You took it from Wu, with the same surname, Wu Mencius. "You know manners, who doesn't?" Wu Ma will come to inform you. Confucius said, "Autumn is also fortunate. If it happens, people will know. "
When a son sings well with others, he acts the opposite way and makes peace with them.
Confucius said, "Wen, I am still human. If I practice being a gentleman, I will get nothing. "
Confucius said, "How dare I be a holy and benevolent person?" If you take pains to suppress it and teach others, it can be said to be a cloud. "Gong Xihua said," only disciples can't learn. "
Please pray for your child's illness. Confucius said, "What are these?" Lutz said to him, "Yes; You said, "pray to the gods above and below". Confucius said, "I have prayed for the mountains for a long time. '
Confucius said, "luxury is not a grandson, but frugality is solid." "I'd rather be solid than childless."
Confucius said, "an upright man is open and poised, I am worried."
Unlike Li, Wei is not fierce, respectful and safe.
Confucius said: "I just relayed the thoughts of the sages, but didn't create my own thoughts." I believe and like the things of the ancients. I privately compare myself to Lao Peng. "
Confucius said, "What have I achieved by memorizing (what I have learned), learning tirelessly and teaching tirelessly?"
Confucius said, "(Many people) don't cultivate themselves and pay attention to learning. They can't do what they listen to and can't change what is bad. These are all things I worry about. "
When Confucius lived at home, he was well dressed, gentle and carefree.
Confucius said, "I am very old. I haven't dreamed of Duke Zhou for a long time. "
Confucius said, "With Tao as its ambition, virtue as its foundation and benevolence as its foundation, it is active in the scope of six arts (such as ceremony and music)."
Confucius said, "I will teach anyone who comes to see me with more than ten pieces of dried meat as a gift."
Confucius said: "teach students not to enlighten them until they want to understand but can't;" Don't inspire him until he thinks but can't say it. Teach him one thing, but he can't infer the other three things from it, so he won't teach him any more. "
Confucius ate beside mourners and never got enough to eat.
Confucius cried and mourned on this day and stopped singing.
Confucius said to Yan Yuan, "If you use me, I will use it.": If you don't need me, I'll hide. Only you and I can do it! Lutz asked Confucius, "Teacher, if you command the three armies, who are you with?" Confucius said, "I won't be with a man who fights tigers with his bare hands and wades across the river on foot, and I won't regret it when I die." "I must be looking for someone who is careful, good at planning and able to complete the task."
Confucius said, "If wealth can really be obtained, I am willing to do it, even if it is such an inferior job as flogging people. If wealth does not agree with Tao, there is no need to pursue it. I'd better do what I like. "
Confucius was cautious about fasting, war and disease.
Confucius heard Shao Le in Qi, but he couldn't taste meat for a long time. He said: "I didn't expect Shao music to be so charming."
You Ran (asked Zigong) said, "Will the teacher help defend the monarch of the country?" Zigong said, "OK, I'll ask him." So he went in and asked Confucius, "What are Boyi and Shu Qi like?" (Confucius) said, "Ancient sages and sages." (Zigong again) asked, "Do they have any resentment?" (Confucius) said: "They are benevolent. Why are they disgusted? " (Zi Gong) Come out (to You Ran) and say, "The teacher won't help Wei Jun."
Confucius said, "Eating coarse grains, drinking white water, and bending your arms as a pillow will be fun. Wealth acquired through improper means is like a cloud in the sky to me. "
Confucius said, "Give me a few more years to learn the Book of Changes at the age of fifty, so that I won't make big mistakes."
Confucius sometimes speaks politely. When reading poems, books and praises, he uses polite words.
Ye asked what kind of person Confucius was, but he didn't answer. Confucius (to Luz) said, "Why didn't you say that he was so angry that he forgot to eat and was so happy that he forgot all his troubles and didn't even know he was old? That's it."
Confucius said: "I am not born with knowledge, but a person who loves ancient things and is diligent and agile in seeking knowledge."
Confucius does not talk about weirdness, violence, chaos and ghosts.
Confucius said, "If three people walk together, one of them will be my teacher. I choose his good character to learn from him. When I see his bad character, I can learn from it and get rid of my own shortcomings. "
Confucius said, "God has given me virtue. What can Huan Xuan do to me? "
Confucius said, "Students, do you think I have something to hide from you? I have nothing to hide. I have nothing to do with you. I, Kong Qiu, am such a person. "
Confucius taught students four contents: writing, action, loyalty and faith.
Confucius said, "I don't see saints, but gentlemen, that's all." Confucius added: "I can't see good people, but I can see consistent people (keep good moral character), which is ok." Pretend nothing, pretend to be rich when you are empty, and it is difficult to pretend to be rich when you are poor. "
Confucius used only fishing rods (with hooks) instead of big ropes (with many hooks). Only shoot birds, not birds staying in their nests.
Confucius said: "There is such a person, who may know nothing but create it out of thin air, but I have never done so.". Listen more and choose a good study; Read more and remember more. This is second-class wisdom. "
(Confucius thinks) It is difficult to talk to people in that place in my hometown, but a boy in my hometown was met by Confucius and the students were puzzled. Confucius said, "I am affirming his progress, not his retrogression. Why go too far? People corrected their mistakes for the sake of progress. We are sure that he will correct his mistakes and will not cling to the past. "
Confucius said, "Is benevolence far away from us? As long as I want to achieve benevolence, benevolence will come. "
Chen Si was defeated and asked, "Does Lu know the courtesy?" Confucius said, "Know the courtesy." When Confucius came out, he bowed to Wu, asked him to come close to him, and said to him, "I heard that gentlemen are not partial to others." The gentleman still protects others? " Lu Jun married a woman with the same surname in the State of Wu. She shared the same surname as the monarch and called her Wu Mengzi. "If lujun is polite, who else isn't?" This sentence was told to Confucius during the Wu Ma period. Confucius said, "I am so lucky. If there is a mistake, people will know. "
Confucius sang with others. If he sings well, be sure to ask him to sing again and then sing with him.
Confucius said: "as far as book knowledge is concerned, I am almost the same as others, and I haven't done it yet."
Confucius said, "If I talk about holiness and benevolence, how dare I!" ! However, it can be said that you work hard (in the direction of holiness and kindness) without getting bored and never feel tired when teaching others. "Gong Xihua said," this is what we can't learn. "
Confucius was seriously ill, and Luz prayed to ghosts and gods. Confucius said, "Is this the case?" Lutz said, "Yes. The article in "Dog" says:' Pray to the God of Heaven and Earth for you.' Confucius said, "I have been praying for a long time."
Confucius said: "luxury is more polite; Thrift is shabby. It is better to be humble than polite.
Confucius said, "A gentleman is broad-minded, but a villain is always sad."
The teacher is gentle and considerate but strict, tall and powerful but not fierce, respectful and serene.
The Analects of Confucius
The Analects of Confucius is a compilation that mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius, a thinker and educator, his disciples and re-disciples in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is also called theory, language, biography and memory, and it is one of the important Confucian classics. A * * * twenty volumes. The Analects focuses on memorizing words. Because of its numerous dialogues, it focuses on selecting educational dialogues. Theory means choice, discussion and communication, and language means discourse. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu suggested that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty adopt Confucianism, so he had the slogan of "ousting a hundred schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone". On "is pronounced" lùn ". Literally, The Analects is a compilation of some remarks. Ban Gu's History of Literature and Art in the Eastern Han Dynasty: "As for The Analects of Confucius, Confucius responded to his disciples. At that time, his disciples heard Confucius' words. At that time, disciples had their own records, the master was a pawn, and the master compiled it according to the series, so it was called The Analects. "Notes on Selected Works and Distinguishing Life" quoted from Fu Zi also said: "There was no Zhong Ni in the past, and the disciples of Zhonggong followed the words of the master, which was called the Analects of Confucius. "