Mary Daijia Vibrant Lipstick, S0 1 #, RMB 69 yuan, is a small tube moisturizing big red lipstick, orange tone, very white, and can also be used as blush.
Mary Daijia primary color lipstick, R-5 #, 89 yuan, big red lipstick, purplish tone, Bo Tu purplish tone, thick coating reddish and white.
Mary Daijia greedy lip gloss lip gloss, R-9#, 79, is a set box, which contains 8 samples, of which the red on the front is very beautiful and the makeup is super atmospheric.
Mary Daijia marveled at water lipstick, 123#, RMB 128. It is a dirty nude pink lipstick with a purplish gray tone, which is very everyday and beautiful.
Mary Daijia primary color impression lip glaze lip gloss, 05#, RMB 89 yuan, is a bright orange lipstick, very white, very eye-catching in summer, lightly applied in autumn, with the beauty of autumn wind sweeping away leaves.
Mary Daijia star lipstick, R- 1 #, RMB 139, a set of a box, a ***5, of which the favorite is metallic menstrual color with pearlescent color, which will be full of aura after application.
Generally speaking, Mary Daijia is a good domestic brand, but the lipstick is dry as a whole and needs priming. The boxed price/performance ratio is higher, but the price/performance ratio of a single package is not so particularly high.