1957, a war broke out between Sweden and Finland, and Denmark, Iceland and Norway were also involved. At that time, King Eric prayed to God, and a miracle happened. The blue sky shines with the light of the cross (actually a natural phenomenon), which symbolizes kindness to Christianity. So they think it's a sign of God. So the five Nordic countries turned to force and swore an alliance, and all five countries put crosses on their national flags.
The Nordic Cross, or Scandinavian Cross, is the symbol that 1 192 originated from the Teutonic Order, and it represents the military tradition handed down by the Teutonic Order. The slogan of Teutonic Knights is "Helfen, Heilen, Wehren".
The Nordic Cross was later used on the national flags of Nordic countries. At present, the flags of the Nordic countries all have the Nordic cross pattern, but there are also flags of other regions with this pattern. The cross in the design is a symbol of Christianity. It can be seen as putting the Greek cross (all arms are equal in length) in the center of the flag, then moving the cross horizontally to the flagpole, and then extending the four arms to the edge of the flag.