I'm ready. I'm ready! Ready, sir! Far away, sir! [guess]
Order? What are the orders?
How about something exciting? How about something exciting?
Can do it! Capable!
Who's next? Who is the next (target)? Move:
Let's go
Got it! Take it off!
I'm on my way! On the way!
Double the time! Buy time!
On the move! On the move! Attack:
Attack! Attack!
You guessed it! You killed it!
Discover the enemy. The enemy has seen it!
Let's begin! Let's go!
Safety first, sir! Safety first, sir! Wounded: We are pinned down! We're suppressed!
We're under attack! We're under attack! Mobilize soldiers: respond: wait for orders. Waiting for orders.
Comrad? Comrade?
Report of conscripts. Mobilization report. Move:
Move out. Let's start.
The order has been received. Got the order.
For the alliance. For the alliance. Attack:
For the motherland. For the motherland.
Are you sure? Are you sure?
For Russian mother! For Russian mother! Injured: Mommy! Mom!
We're under attack! We're under attack! Tan Ya: Response: Anytime, boss. Anytime, boss.
Do you have an order? Did you get the order?
Where is the party? Where is the party?
Show me the way. Show me the way.
How about something exciting? How about something exciting? move
I was there. I was there.
What about the target? How about finding a target?
Here we go, boss. Get out of the way, boss.
I'll do it. I'm nearby. attack
Cha cha! Lock and load. Lock and reload.
Ah ~ baby! Ah ~ baby