Household clothes. You can't go forward by your hair, nor can your forehead and texture. If you frown upward, you won't flatter others. There are Sichuan characters on the eyebrows, tail and nose, and there are no mourners in the activity. The left eye is bright and the right eye is bright, and the fortune is not constant for a while. It is difficult to gather wealth when bones are exposed, and it is necessary to attack when muscles are exposed. If you talk late, you will get rich, but if you talk tight, you will get poor. It is a blessing to know that the abdomen is drooping and the forehead is wide and there is official luck. The tip of the nose is running around, and the head is small and the main body is floating. Long feet and clumsy body, walking on a difficult road. People with noses are virtuous and upright. If your nose is crooked, there will be disaster. Switching to the garden is bright, and it will increase people's income. At present, there are three generations of children and grandchildren. The head is red, and the money is broken. Mr. Kaipo is a woman and Mr. Kaipo is a man. The yellow pregnant woman is male and the red pregnant woman is female. There are many formulas for facial expressions, but when looking at the main face, we mainly look at the five senses, and the three courts have a detailed history.