The game is more fun when the hero engine says the text is rich and colorful.
& ltgreen/SCOLOR = 250 & gt; It is green and blue. \
& lt light blue/scolor = 254 > It's light blue, it's pink. \
Just set it yourself. Anyway, it is 1-255. Some colors are repetitive. Check it yourself! !
Setting method of circulating color NPC script:
The game is more fun when the hero engine says the text is rich and colorful.
& lt circular color NPC text demonstration /autocolor = 250, 100, 180, 50, 252, 50 > \
Color script variable display, generally using
# If
# Action
S 10
HEROM2 color script variable display
# If
# Say
{ & lt$STR(S 10)>/AUTOCOLOR=250, 100, 180,47,253,50}
Other special announcement settings:
The top scrolling announcement and color announcement in the chat window can be set in linenotice.txt, [] means scrolling announcement,
Top scrolling announcement: [180] This is a demonstration example of top scrolling announcement.
Color announcements in the chat window (foreground and background colors are separated by commas):
& lt 180,2 18 & gt; This is an example of a color announcement in a chat box.
In addition, the script can also use SendTopMsg and SendCenterMsg to send the top announcement and the center announcement respectively.