1. Open Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.9 \ conf \ server.xml and find the following code:
& lt! - ? Definition? Answer? Non-SSL Coyote? HTTP/ 1. 1? Connector? Open? Port? 8080? -& gt;
& lt connector? Port ="8080 "
maxThreads=" 150 "? minSpareThreads="25 "? maxSpareThreads="75 "
enableLookups="false "? redirectPort="8443 "? acceptCount=" 100 "
debug="0 "? connectionTimeout="20000 "?
disableUploadTimeout="true "? uri encoding = " GBK "/& gt; 2. The above port=8080 is the port number it uses. You can change it to 80 (the default port of the browser), so you can directly enter the name of http://localhost/ project when editing, and you can access it!