At first, Shu seemed to be full of talents, including the so-called five tigers and generals, but in fact they were not locals. Liu Bei brought them from the Central Plains or Jingzhou when he entered Shu. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and Zhuge Liang were all brought by Liu Bei.
Many officials in Shu were also sent by the Central Plains. There are five famous counselors in Cao Cao, many others are unknown, and there are countless civilian military commanders. Even at that time, there were more Wu countries than Shu countries, so the talent reserve of Shu countries was backward from the beginning.
After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang, as prime minister, did everything himself, from agricultural production to military training to sending troops to the Northern Expedition. He devoted all his efforts to his death, but it also led to a large number of young people who could not get exercise, so they could not grow up. They were used to obeying the command of the Prime Minister and could not have their own ideas and thinking, which also led to the lack of talents in Shu.
The expanded message "There is no general in Shu, and Liaohua is the pioneer" is a vivid description of the serious shortage of talents in Shu-Han regime, one of the three countries. Shu and Han are short of talents, and generals are even scarcer.
So that when Zhuge Liang went out to Qishan to explore the Central Plains, the generals in the army had reached the point where Liao Hua, who was mediocre in martial arts, had to be the pioneer of the former camp. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Ma and Huang" were magnificent, and the military and civilian talents of the DPRK and China had long since disappeared.
This is related to Zhuge Liang's failed way of employing people at that time:
First, reuse Guan Yu and flatter him. As a result, Guan Yu lost Jingzhou and was killed by Dongwu. Guan Yu and Liu Bei "share the same bed and are like brothers." His personality is arrogant, but there is also a reasonable side. Zhuge Liang should be said to know his characteristics quite well.
But in the end, it led to the tragedy of "careless loss of Jingzhou" and was killed by Soochow. Although the fall of Jingzhou and the downfall of Guan Yu were influenced by many factors, Zhuge Liang's flattery was the catalyst for his self-expansion.
Second, attaching importance to righteousness, but indulging in righteousness, led to the guilt and death of righteousness all his life. Jacky is an official under Liu Zhang.
Therefore, he secretly surrendered to Liu Bei, and made great contributions to attracting Liu Bei into Sichuan. Later, he made suggestions and enjoyed meritorious deeds in the battle of capturing Hanzhong, and was named as the Governor of Shu County and General Yang Wu by Liu Bei. However, after Fa Zheng was appointed as the prefect of Shu County, his virtue did not change. This kind of retaliation for violating the law and discipline caused dissatisfaction among colleagues.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Shu Kingdom