What gift should I give the veteran?
Soldiers love to drink, and they can deliver wine, as well as military uniforms, group photos and commemorative badges. Let him be the only special military emblem you gave him, or you can give him a memoir of the military camp between you. The meaning of giving gifts, everyone gives and receives gifts, regardless of whether the gift is voluntary or not, each gift must be selected before it can be given. Because the gift is an extension of your personality, the other person can measure your interest, even your wisdom and talent. Send a message to veterans, no longer wearing military uniforms, no longer eating rations, no longer listening to bugles, and no longer living in military camps, but they are still the backbone and voice of soldiers. Never tire of listening to the bugle, always singing the military song, never back down, fearless in life and death, never regret, never regret, always be the military flag, never change, never forget, never forget. I wish my dear veterans all the best in their new lives.