Ds gear:
In most cases, it will be shown as D/S, that is, the switching of D or S gears. The so-called D gear is the forward gear, which is the abbreviation of English Drive. When the shift lever is moved to this position, the gearbox will automatically shift gears within the engine speed range. The shift point depends on the engine load, the driver's driving style and vehicle speed. S gear is the movement mode of D gear, and the power output is stronger. In this sports mode, the gearbox can shift gears freely, but the shift will be delayed, so that the engine can keep a high speed for a long time, which will increase the power of the vehicle.
Automatic gear:
Automatic gears are mostly represented by letters P, R, N, D, S and L, which respectively represent parking gear, reverse gear, neutral gear, forward gear, sport mode and low speed mode.
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