1, A-mei stood at the door, holding a bowl of wine; Guests, if you come in, have a bowl of wine first. Drink this bowl and you will be friends. If you don't drink it, you won't want to leave. The bride's family are all soaked in wine, and they won't stop until they finish that.
2, stop the door wine fragrance, stop the door wine alcohol, drunk the sunset, drunk the hometown. Ah, it is full of the vicissitudes of Miao Ling and the good luck of the Miao family. When the bell rings, the drums ring and the incense rings. Have a taste of A-mei wine. Hey, distant brothers, who can not be crazy?
What kind of wine were you drinking when you stopped the door?
There are usually two kinds of wine: one is corn wine, which Miao people brew with their own corn. Eight-part liquor is rich and mellow, and after drinking it, the face is red and hot, which will immediately produce a heroic masculinity. Another kind of wine is glutinous rice wine, which Miao people call sweet wine.
The rise of Banmen liquor is closely related to the strong wine culture atmosphere of Miao nationality. Miao people are hardworking and intelligent, and they are very good at brewing grain wine. In the Miao nationality, if you think you are a mighty and magnificent person, you should drink Baogu wine generously. This wine is strong and fragrant.
However, children, the elderly or women can choose to drink sweet and mild glutinous rice wine. Therefore, in such a place with a strong smell of wine, there is a certain connection between wine and etiquette, and it is also developed in this way.