Banquets need wine tables (round tables, square tables), large bowls, long chairs and other items. All ages sit in order, usually a table for eight people, and more if it is a round table; There are many bowls and chopsticks for the banquet, some are white porcelain bowls, some are printed with festive patterns, and some are painted bowls; The benches are narrow and long, and some of them have wooden textures, which have been rounded and textured by time. You should borrow something from your neighbor's house before the banquet. If you are afraid of forgetting, make a mark to avoid missing it when you return it later.
When holding a major banquet, we should first set up "matchmaking" wine (generally referring to the banquet, which plays a transitional role), and then "positive wine" at the climax. Before the guests sit down, each table is placed with "vegetable feet" (also called vegetable feet, that is, dry food and cold dishes), which are generally dried fish, crabs, conchs, blood clams, fried foods and so on. "Vegetable feet" are dry food without soup, which can only be taken home after the banquet. I remember when I was young, adults would take their children to the wedding banquet, and children would receive small red envelopes when they ate the wedding banquet. If there are many children at home, you can only wait at home. By the way, bring a "towel boy" (that is, a square piece of cloth, the four corners of which can be knotted, and items are stored inside). When the banquet is over, take some "vegetable feet" home and give them to the girls. This cold dish is also called "eating bowl powder" in the local dialect.
I like to eat "fried sweet potato powder" at the banquet, and things like shredded pork with mushrooms are actually fried with oil, which tastes oily but not greasy, smooth but not greasy. Cangnan is located along the coast and is rich in seafood. Among them, the crab stew rice is a good dish, which not only retains the freshness and sweetness of the crab, but also makes the stew rice soft, waxy, smooth and fragrant. There is also a famous seafood dish, Tu Ding Frozen (called Tu Sun Frozen in some places). There are many shoals in the inner harbor of Shacheng. After washing, it is white, crystal clear, crisp and delicious, and elastic. After cooking, it contains a special gum that can be frozen into pieces. Delicious and fresh, it is a rare seafood flavor. The kimchi of sea centipede is even more amazing. The original flavor of sea centipede is perfectly mixed with naturally pickled pickles. It tastes fresh and sweet, and there is no need to put monosodium glutamate at all. If a pot of long-awaited delicious seafood-sea centipede is served at the top of the banquet, it may be caught by the guests' chopsticks soon, hehe! If you can only eat pickles in the future, it seems that you should have the experience of "eating ostentation and extravagance" (that is, banquets).
There is also a big bowl of "square meat" on the banquet (also known as sealed meat, named after its shape), which is made of the above-mentioned pork belly, similar to Dongpo meat. It is cooked first, then stewed, and finally cooked to collect juice, with red and crisp color; Fat but not greasy, soft as tofu, delicious. "Square meat" is usually arranged in the middle of the banquet. If you eat "square meat" at the banquet, it means that the banquet is already over half. When the "square meat" is served, don't start work first, and then divide it after the banquet. Finally, sweets, such as assorted fruits, watermelons, pineapples, rambutan and other canned fruits, are in line with western eating habits, salty first and then sweet.
The author lives at the junction of Zhejiang and Fujian, and many relatives and friends are from Fujian. Of course, there is little difference in dining habits, and they are all the same. It seems that Fujian people prefer "guessing boxing" (that is, painting boxing) and so on. The order of drinking can make the banquet scene lively at once, which is a way to add fun. There is such a description in the famous Dream of Red Mansions. Yuanyang, the county magistrate, smiled and said to everyone, "The wine order is as big as a military order. Regardless of rank, I am the only one in charge. If you violate me, you will be punished. "
Take a seat in turn. When the waiter brings a pot of delicious fish to the table, it means that the wine has started. Because the orientation of the fish tank is exquisite, as the saying goes: "The first three tails are four, and the belly is five or six." It depends on where your luck is. If you meet, you will be punished. Have a few drinks and gulp it down. Don't keep goldfish! But I was so drunk that I called myself "a bottle of wine." One of them is all kinds of guessing boxing, which requires a combination of fingers and slogans to see who wins first and who loses will be punished. There is also a fun game called "Knock Seven", which is also very interesting. The attendees took their seats in turn, the official announced the start, and everyone counted off in turn. If the mantissa is seven or a multiple of seven, you don't have to count, but beat the bowl and basin with chopsticks. This game needs a quick and consistent response, and you can see how much you have drunk from the other person. If the banquet still lacks lively scenes, then group PK to push the cheerful atmosphere to a climax.
Banquet is an important thing in the countryside, and the food is hard to enjoy. The store pays special attention to the taste of the dishes, so it invites local authentic chefs to cook. Although this local chef is not a regular chef, his dishes are authentic and suitable for local tastes, and the reputation of the chef is very important. But now, local chefs have gradually disappeared. With the development of social economy, new chefs are slowly pouring into the countryside to provide one-stop service for banquets. That's all the money the host family pays, and nothing else.