Filial piety, loyalty, courtesy, honesty and shame is a China word, which means the foundation of being a man and the whole essence of the moral education content of our great sage Confucius. It is respected by Confucian scholars in past dynasties, and it is also the eight virtues of life: filial piety, loyalty, faith, courtesy, righteousness, honesty and shame.
Original text:
A Confucius said: "He is also a filial brother, but people who like to make mistakes are rare;" It's not easy to make mistakes, but it's not easy to make mistakes. Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! "
A son said, "A man who is filial to his parents and loves his brothers rarely offends his majesty's people;" There is no such person who likes to rebel without offending the monarch. The gentleman is committed to the basic work, and when the foundation is established, the' Tao' appears. Filial piety and compassion should be the foundation of' benevolence'! "
To annotate ...
1. Youzi: Confucius student, surnamed You, whose name is Ruo, 43 years younger than Confucius and 33 years younger. It is more credible to say that he is thirty-three years younger. The Analects of Confucius records that Confucius' students generally call themselves Zi, while Youruo calls themselves Zi (in addition, Qian Ou calls himself Zi, which is another matter), so many people suspect that the Analects of Confucius was compiled by their students.
But if you have a son, it may be that he was respected by Confucius' disciples after his death (this historical fact can be found in Tan Gong in the Book of Rites, Teng Wengong in Mencius and Biography of Zhong Ni's Disciples in Historical Records). As for Zuo Zhuan, if there is a "Guo Shi" who has been mourning for the public for eight years, it may not be enough to make him be regarded as a son.
2, filial piety: filial piety, knowing words, old and young. It means connecting the preceding with the following, inheriting. It also refers to the attitude towards parents generally recognized by China society; Brother, the sound and meaning are the same as Xun. In ancient times, this meant that a brother, as a brother, took care of his younger brother. Later, it gradually extended to the mutual love and pity between peers.
translate freely
Filial piety: it is filial piety. Filial piety is the duty of children, and filial piety is to repay the kindness of parents. To put it bluntly, it can be loyalty to the country, which is also a big "filial piety."
Xun: Yes. Between brothers and sisters, brothers love and help each other. Expand and fill it, treat friends with brothers and sisters, make people eliminate contradictions and be humble to each other.
Loyalty: it is loyalty. Loyalty to the country is the responsibility as a citizen, that is, loyalty to the motherland and the people. "Loyalty" means loyalty to the organization and to one's job responsibilities.
Letter: It's credit. Credit friends, keep your word to your friends, and never break your word. When you come to social service, you must "keep your word and respect your deeds". You must believe what you say and don't deceive others. When you do something, you must have a respectful attitude, do it seriously, and never perfunctory.
Li: It's etiquette. Treat people with courtesy, abide by various regulations and abide by the law (including courtesy). Students should salute teachers, parents and guests. Salute is not only superficial, but also inner, which is the embodiment of one's moral cultivation.
Righteousness: It's loyalty. In other words, people should have a sense of justice and the spirit of being brave. No matter who is in trouble, we should try our best to help and solve the problem. Be moral to your friends, be selfless and help others, and have no intention.
Lian: This is incorruptible. There are honest people, no matter what they see, they can't afford it, and they don't want to take advantage of it. Instead, they cultivate a selfless spirit.
Shame: shame. Never do anything unreasonable or against your conscience. If people are shameless, they are like animals. Shame is also self-esteem. Confucius said: "Knowing shame is almost brave". It is also a sign of courage to correct mistakes.