Principal locust, teacher flea, teacher mole, teacher leefly, teacher eye-popping fly, teacher chafer with colorful arms, teacher Jin, teacher centipede, teacher cricket, teacher tiger bird spider, and mother salamander.
School staff
Termite carpenter warehouse manager Aunt Bumblebee canteen flower Aunt stinkbug school doctor cabbage butterfly ball Ma Lu (responsible for being kicked by football)
social insects
Tongue flies, insects, gadflies, termites, queen termites, queen bees, queen bumblebees, queen awning caterpillars, American white moths, American 17-year-old cicadas, China high-crowned horned cicadas, Queen Alexander, bird wings, butterflies, tiger beetles, wasps, ladybugs, old weevils, crickets, professor bumblebees, psychologists, yellow butterflies, bird mites, and so on.
Tarantula 00 1 (male), Tiger Beetle (male), Lice (male), Chalcophora japonica (male), Antlers (male), One-horned Fairy (male), Euphorbia hairy (male), Dung beetle (male), Mite (male), Anoplophora. Weevil (male), leaf weevil (male), bamboo weevil (male), iron beetle (female), turtle beetle (female), buried insect (female), paederus (male) and fart beetle (male).
Death/Legacy Works: Black Spot (female), Red Dot (male), Weeping Elephant (male), Firefly (female), Red-headed Scappa Haga (female), Potato Beetle (female).
Students in the flying insect class
Damselflies (male), dragonflies (male), mosquitoes (female), bees (female), Chinese bees (female), bumblebees (female), killer bees (female), syrphids (male), wasps (male), dead-leaf gladiators (male), dead-leaf butterflies (male) and butterflies.
Death/resignation work: death leaf moth (female)
Miscellaneous class students
Leech (male, hermaphrodite), jumping spider (female), crab spider (male), circular web spider (male), ghost spider (male), meteor hammer spider (female), black widow spider (female), guano spider (female), sun spider (male), blind spider (male) and banana spider (female)
Death/resignation: banana slug (female, hermaphrodite), newbug 108 (male), earthworm tail (male, hermaphrodite)
Pupils in the infant class
Dendrolimus punctatus, caterpillar, caterpillar, cutworm, syrphid, ant lion, firefly, hydra, silkworm moth, spotted comb, tortoise shell, aphid, lion, citrus butterfly, aphid, grey butterfly, Gideon, beetle, ladybug, cabbage caterpillar, camel caterpillar, imperial caterpillar, grape moth, spider moth, bedbug nymph and scorpion.
Other animal roles
Gray-haired mole, yellow mouth, big sparrow, big frog, bat, hen, fairy thorn (hedgehog), lark, sparrow, canary, bald-nosed crow, wood frog, tree frog, rain frog, horned frog, bullfrog, Chinese toad, dead-leaf fish, dead-leaf turtle, dead-leaf toad and swordfish.