-Total population:1245; Agricultural population:1204; Non-agricultural population: 4 1.
-Administrative area: 10.8 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 5 13.0 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: slogan of Han nationality development:
-Villages under its jurisdiction: 3 natural villages and 4 villagers' groups. Gross output value: 22 million yuan.
-Main economic industries: planting famous and special products: rice, corn and fruit trees. Office location: Ma Yang Village.
Ma Yang Village is adjacent to Zhang Guan Village, Qinghe Village, Zhao Lei Community, Dashanshao Community, Longjing Community, Xinfa Village, Shaguo Village, Zhanguan Village, Bobo Village, Dazhai Village and Dadong Village.
There are Huangguoshu Waterfall, Yelang Cave, Tianxingqiao Scenic Area, Rhinoceros Cave, Huangguoshu Waterfall water curtain cave and other tourist attractions near Ma Yang Village. There are Huangguoshu mineral water, Huangguoshu cellar wine, Anshun golden thorn pear, Zhenning Bobo sugar, Anshun Baihua string pickles and other specialties.