Look at Matt's killer. What kind of people are they? They either graduated from junior high school with students, or they didn't graduate. Several such people have graduated from work, and several such people are doing well in school.
It's not that we look down on them, but the way they dressed up to kill Matt makes people look down on them, as if they were wearing clothes and using their hair. They tell us in a maverick way that they procrastinate a lot, they are awesome, they attract more people to watch, and they will turn back when they walk on the road.
Don't you think it's a pity that such people use strange shapes and scary clothes to attract people's attention to cover up their inferiority and show their arrogance?
Don't you think it is very ignorant and ridiculous for a person to attract others' attention in this way and make others feel fashionable and walk in the forefront of fashion with this indescribable dress?
Really capable people will dress themselves like this. People who are truly capable will show how excellent and special they are in this way. Who will walk on the road every day wearing such clothes that only appear on Halloween?
Can their behavior not make people feel ridiculous? Don't you think it's ridiculous and sad that such an ignorant person pretends to be particularly awesome?
That's why killing Matt disappeared so quickly, because that dress was telling others that he was stupid.