Is the level of ips police in India high?
India's ips police have a high level. The uniforms of the federal police in Indian police are the same, and the police rank is high. The largest is equivalent to a lieutenant general, and the youngest is also a junior officer. The hat badge of the federal police is a big hat badge with IPS logo on the epaulettes. The federal police are paid by the Indian federal government and are well paid. TheRepublicofIndia (English: The Republic of India), referred to as India for short, is a parliamentary republic located in the South Asian subcontinent. It covers an area of about 2.98 million square kilometers (excluding the Indian-occupied area on the Sino-Indian border and the Indian-controlled area in Kashmir), ranking seventh in the world and the largest country in South Asia. Major cities in India include Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Bangalore.