The highest etiquette in Chinese etiquette is the Four Worship, which is a great gift to heaven and earth, to your father and to your teacher. The use of four worships in offering sacrifices to Confucius shows that Confucius has a high status. Recite Zhang Zai's "Four Sentences of Horizontal Canal" during the worship: make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, carry forward the past and create a peaceful future for all generations.
In the eyes of ordinary people, three kneels and nine knocks are the greatest etiquette, but three kneels and nine knocks are inherited from the Qing Dynasty, and four worships belong to the ritual system of the Ming Dynasty. The value, spirit and wisdom represented by Confucius, the sage of the East, and the Confucian culture advocated by him will also be carried forward, benefiting China from generation to generation and mankind in the world.
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Ritual of offering sacrifices to Confucius:
Since the Han Dynasty, both in Qufu and in the capital and local areas, Confucius has been generally sacrificed, and there are also sacrificial ceremonies. With the development of the times, the title of Confucius was praised as the public in the first year of Yuan Dynasty (A.D. 1 year), and gradually became the king of Wenxuan in the twenty-seventh year of Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (A.D. 739). The ceremony will become more and more complete and grand.
Musicians and dancers dressed in traditional Hanfu are particularly eye-catching. They wear red round neck uniforms and three black gold crowns on their heads, showing the Chinese style.
Musicians showed the orthodox elegant music of China, including many kinds of musical instruments, such as music, piano, harp, flute, drum, sheng, bell, Qing and so on. Dancers hold cups in their left hands and fast in their right hands, and neatly dance the "Six Books Dance" dedicated to the sacrificial ceremony. Wearing dark white clothes and "square nipples" on their heads, the officials completed the main parts of the sacrifices such as chanting and three sacrifices with the sacrificial officials.
In addition, because Confucius' disciples and other Confucian scholars shared the worship of Confucius later, these people were also sacrificed when offering sacrifices to Confucius. The etiquette of offering sacrifices to Confucius is called a proper ceremony, and the etiquette of offering sacrifices to those who enjoy it is called a farewell ceremony.
Baidu encyclopedia-sacrificial cave