Select the Generate menu, publish the website, and directly specify the directory in the integrated environment of VS.NET. Then point the default website or virtual directory in IIS to this directory.
By default, you can use this program, but you need to set the. The. net version in the application pool.
6. Set the default page of the website, that is, start the default page.
7. You can right-click-Manage Website-Browse, and the address bar will display the port you configured. The website has been published here.
How to configure www on iis of win 10?
1 Open the "Control Panel" and click "Programs" to enter.
2 Click "Enable or Disable Windows Function" to enter.
3 Check "InternetInformationService" and click "OK", and the system will automatically search for and install IIS services.
4 On the Windows 10 desktop, right-click the icon of this computer and select the "Manage" menu item.
5 Click "InternetInformationService(IIS) Manager" on the left to manage it in the window on the right.
6 Enter "Localhost" in the browser to open the default webpage that comes with Windows 10. IIS has been successfully configured.
How to set the port number corresponding to the website application in iis?
You can 1, open IIS2, right-click your website, select Properties 3, select Website Tab 4, modify TCPPort: (default is 80)5, click Apply after modification, and confirm.
How to open and use iis Manager?
It can be solved according to the following method steps:
1. First find the control panel and open it.
2. Change the viewing mode to category, and click Program in the dialog box that appears.
3. Select "Turn Windows features on or off" in "Programs and Features".
4. Open all FTP servers, Web management tools and World Wide Web services under Internet information services. Click OK.
5. Back to Control Panel-System and Security-Management Tools, you can see the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and open it.
6. Now, you can use IIS to publish websites.
What are the running environments of iis software?
The running environment of ASP needs to run under PWS or IIS. PWS or IIS service is attached to the CD of windows98 or windows2000, and can be installed through Add/Remove windows Components in Add/Remove Programs. Generally, asp should be combined with access database or SQLServer database to compile powerful programs. Windows2000, which can run ASP, installs IIS 5.0 by default, windowsxp installs IIS5. 1 by default, and windows2003 installs IIS6.0 by default. PWS(personalwebserver) is a simple personal web server running in windows98 environment.