By default, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installer will install vnc service on the system, and centos will install VNC online through yum.
You can check whether vnc is installed through the rpm command, and if it is, the software name will be displayed:
[root @ red hat 0 1/]# rpm-QA | grep VNC
VNC-server-4. 1.2- 14 . el5 _ 6.6 . x86 _ 64
If it is not installed, the software name will not be displayed. You can mount it on the installation disk of the operating system, and then install VNC-server-4.1.2-9.el5.x86 _ 64.rpm through rpm.
[root @ red hat 0 1 home]# rpm-IVH VNC-server-4. 1.2- 14 . el5 _ 6.6 . x86 _ 64 . rpm
Deploying Remote Desktop with Reference to linux