& gt1951On July 20th, King Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated by a Palestinian Arab in Jerusalem. The king's grandson was also shot, but his grandfather was bounced off by a medal pinned to his chest. He miraculously survived and became the new ruler of Jordan.
1On July 22nd, 952, a group of Egyptian officers headed by Nasser staged a coup and deposed King Farouk of Egypt. Four years later, Nasser officially became the President of Egypt, and began his 14 years of rule over Egypt.
& gt& gt The biggest loser in this war is undoubtedly the Palestinian Arabs. At the end of the war, according to United Nations statistics, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs became refugees, accounting for 70% of the total Palestinian Arab population. These refugees painfully found that the place formerly called Palestine had disappeared from the map. Their homeland is now divided into three parts, namely, Israel, Gaza and Jordan River.
In the West Bank, these three lands were ruled by Jews, Egyptians and Jordanians respectively.
Neighboring Arab countries do not welcome these refugees.
& gt& gt In the film Munich shot by Jewish director Spielberg, the hero has a dialogue with a young Palestinian terrorist. He didn't understand why the other side was willing to waste their young lives on the hopeless cause of retaking Palestine from the Jews.
In the film, the hero inexplicably asks Palestinian terrorists, "Do you really think you have to go back to that barren land? A barren land, a few humble small stone houses, is this what you want to leave for your children? Do you really think you have to get everything back ... nothing? Do you really want those chalky mud and stone huts for your children? )」
When young terrorists think of their motherland, their eyes are moist. He choked and answered slowly: "Of course. (Absolutely. )」