(Title: German Dortmund Football Team-Born in Polsko Square)
We are all in the square,
It's over. All the time has passed.
We know that the whole world is concerned about this matter.
Dortmund Club.
This is an interesting story.
We will see such a scene on earth: "Meeting for the first time".
What are you talking about? Hand in hand, go together
Finally, he tapped the table with his wand.
Dortmund 09! !
Hundertausend Freunde, a Verein.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
goldne Zukunft braucht Vergangenheit。
We're going to the forest park, in the Danish market.
Our Hertz is German and Will is German.
He was the strongest when we were in stolz.
A lover, all the time? lt,
We know. Is he at school? World Stadium
Where were elves born? E ganze stehen
We sent BVB to hell.
Dortmund 09
Hundertausend Freunde, a Verein.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
Dortmund 09
Hundertausend Freunde, a Verein.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
This is an interesting story.
We will see such a scene on earth: "Meeting for the first time".
What are you talking about? Hand in hand, go together
Finally, he tapped the table with his wand.
Dortmund 09
Hundertausend Freunde, a Verein.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
Dortmund 09
Hundertausend Freunde, a Verein.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
Schwartz and Grugbbier's men
We will never forget it.
I hope you are satisfied!