Bian Xiao is also a fan of Shell Head. Recently, Bian Xiao bought a pair of shell-headed shoes with the article number G62845 in an online shop, and the seller claimed that they were genuine. So I invited Zhao, a fake expert, to prove it.
Zhao Xin introduced that the best-selling brand in Adidas clover series is the "superstar" in the "shell head", and online and offline imitations are also the most. The price of imitations ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan. Many colors that Adidas has never produced are also popular under the trademark of Adidas. After careful comparison, Zhao Xin said that the G62845 shell shoes purchased were not genuine in the seller's mouth, but imitations.
Taking G62845 as an example, Zhao Xin explained several skills of "shell head" to distinguish between true and false.
Authentic: 860
When you smell the soles carefully, there is almost no taste, which is slightly heavier than imitation. The toe color of the shoe body is consistent, and the shoe shape is smooth. Wear it for a long time, and the leather surface of the shoe body will have natural wrinkles.
There is a pungent rubber smell after opening the shoe box, which is slightly lighter than the genuine one. The color of the toe cap of the shoe body is inconsistent, the shoe shape is smooth, and the surface is wrinkled and stiff after long wear.
Shoe tongue mark
● Authentic: the font printing is clear and burr-free, shining with golden luster.
● Imitation: the font printing is rough and rough, with dull copper luster.
Back of insole
● Authentic: the back of the insole is sticky, and the inner side of the foot has a rubber pad designed exclusively by Adi to increase the comfort of the arch (non-professionals are not allowed to disassemble the insole by themselves).
Imitation: the back of the insole does not stick to the hand, so it can be easily removed, and it is relatively soft, and there is no rubber pad on the inside of the foot.
Bare heel lining
● Authentic products: uniform, dense and flat, and will not deform after long wear.
Imitation: thick, soft, uneven, easy to deform and wear after wearing for a long time.
Sole hardness
● Authentic: the sole is hard and firm, and the concavity is small after pressing hard.
● Imitation: the sole is soft, and after being pressed strongly, the concavity is large and the sole is deformed.
● Authentic: the color is symmetrical, and it is white with bare feet.
● Imitation: the color is inconsistent, inconsistent with the color of the lining at barefoot, and yellow.
Shoe cortex
● Authentic: The cortex is soft, with skin texture and natural folds.
Imitation: the cortex is hard, without skin texture and natural folds.