Nico Yazawa? is a Japanese secondary idol project "lovelive! One of the protagonists. The junior high school student of Naimuban College, who is also the president of the Idol Research Association, has graduated. At first, I was skeptical about μ's activities and asked for its dissolution because it was not professional enough. Later, because of the requirements of μ's and my obsession with idol activities, I became the seventh person to join μ 's.
In the first season of animation, I quit LoveLive because Naoko Takasaka was ill! Games. Join LoveLive again with eight other people in the second season! And won the championship.
Role life:
My usual hobby is dressing up and studying idols, and my specialty is taking care of my hair. I like cake and hate spicy food.
I have a strong pursuit of idols. I want to enter UTX high school, but because of my family conditions, I chose Yinnaimu Osaka College. Usually go to the maid coffee shop to work. I care about other people's views on my family conditions, and I always avoid letting everyone visit my home. Later, because I had a fever, everyone took the initiative to go to Nicole's house to take care of Nicole and gave up this behavior.
I have the habit of updating my blog with private messages to record my daily life. Later, because my blog was discovered by everyone, I was updated by everyone (but I opened another blog to update μ' s little secret).