When I saw that all the holy monks in the country were chained, I was puzzled and asked. There used to be a temple in the country called Guangjin Temple. There is a pagoda in the temple, and there is a relic in the pagoda, which emits golden light all the year round. This country is blessed by the divine light, so there is no need to pay tribute to its superiors. A year ago, the relic was stolen. The king decided that it was stolen by a monk in the temple, so he arrested the monk in the temple and tortured him every day.
The Tang Priest took a broom and went to the tower to offer sacrifices with Wukong. At the top of the tower, Wukong caught a little demon and learned that the Buddha treasure had been taken to the bottom of Bibotan by the Halloween Dragon King.
In order to save his life, the monster exposed the nine-headed monster, the son-in-law of Wansheng Dragon King. Wukong and Bajie came to the Dragon Palace, reported the monsters they had caught, and asked the nine-headed monster to hand over the relics.
Seeing that Wan Shenglong blamed himself for getting into trouble, Hydra became angry from embarrassment and personally fought with Wukong. Hydra had more eyes than Wukong, so he took the opportunity to sneak up on Wukong. Wukong knew this well and escaped the sneak attack. Seeing that Wukong is not a leisurely generation, Hydra cast a spell and turned into a big bird with nine heads!
He left with Bajie, and Wukong turned into a crab and went to the Dragon Palace, where he broke into the Dragon King's cave and made a scene. Then, together with Yang Jian, we designed to defeat the monster and cheat away the treasure.
Extended data:
Main characters:
1, the Monkey King
Since the beginning of the world, the Monkey King was born from immortal stones. Thanks to Bodhi's ancestor, he learned the way to live forever, with seventy-two changes and somersaults. One somersault can turn 108,000 Li.
Use weapons like a golden hoop, big or small, change at will. He thought that Wang had made a scene in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and was recruited by the Heaven. Because of disrespect for being an official, he called himself the Monkey King the next day. Then he defeated the heavenly army and was named the Monkey King, who had no official and was out of shape. When he was making a scene in heaven, he trained a pair of critical eyes in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun, and fought against the Tathagata Buddha, and was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years.
After Guanyin's touch, Tang Priest was protected from learning Buddhist scriptures in the West. After eighty-one difficulties, the true scriptures were retrieved and made into a positive result, which was called Fighting Buddha.
2. nine head worm
Nine head worm is a monster in China's classical novel The Journey to the West. Holding a handle, crescent shovel turned out to be a nine-headed monster, the door-to-door son-in-law of Wan Shenglong, the king of Bibotan.
Clashes with the Monkey King's other disciples because of stealing Buddhist relics from the countries offering sacrifices in the blood rain. Later, it was defeated by Erlang God and the roaring dog (the Monkey King and Bajie were dealing with the dragon son and grandson). After being bitten by a growling dog, they were injured and fled to the North Sea.
Nine head worm and the Monkey King fought for 30 rounds, but in the face of the joint efforts of the Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, they couldn't hold out for 35 rounds, and they showed their true colors. They are nine head worm, and they have a bad image. Seeing this, they are afraid of killing people.