The logic and methodology of Das Kapital stipulate that it is hereditary. It points to the study and expression of "history" and aims to carry forward and promote the road of economic construction that launched the "Copernican Revolution" in history, so that the category can be realized on the basis of critical principles and in the stipulation of history. However, bourgeois vulgar economics "reversed" this road and theoretical practice, and promoted vulgar hermeneutics and non-critical scientism in order to restore economics to a special natural science. Its theoretical work is characterized by the presupposition of world-society understanding. It is mathematical planning to play with hermeneutic language practice in an all-round way and seek the highest form and norm of natural scientism. Due to various problems-as far as China is concerned, it mainly focuses on the "dislocation" of thinking and language working methods, Marx's subsequent research efforts failed to effectively achieve "anti-reversal". The real way out is to realize the economic construction of "rebuilding political economy" On this basis, it puts forward historical and realistic working principles and propositions to avoid the possibility that China's economic research (China's research on political economy) will fall into the "hermeneutic dilemma" again. First of all, we should continue to adhere to the road of practical construction based on historical science. Secondly, we should prevent the attempt to "de-historize" the theoretical essence in the name of "scientization" in the research. Thirdly, we should further realize that the slogan of "returning to Marx" is actually false, because the way to really meet Marx is through history and practice, not the text itself. Finally, in the final analysis, the practical road of political economy aims at breaking through the cage of bourgeois scientism thinking, and always lies in finally lifting the cage of hermeneutic language.
Starting from the conditions of the times, we should restore the true thoughts contained in Marxist dialectics, realize the definitive criticism of bourgeois economics and all non-critical and vulgar economic thoughts, and at the same time restore their thinking and language according to the history of practical state, and realize the dialectical turn of the times-the concretization and nationalization of working thinking and working language. The road to the construction of Marxist economics can only be summarized as "concrete creation" in historical materialism, that is, the provisions that are constantly anchored in practice in an open structure. This working route of practical logic aims to completely break through the "prison of the bourgeoisie", capitalize and highlight the "genesis of materialism". It has the following work connotations: (1) Understand the structure of the research object realistically with "materialistic logic", so as to understand the social stipulation of production; Abandon scientism with the provisions of "materialist dialectics" and completely reject the proposition of hermeneutics. Therefore, as a "materialist epistemology", it is required to reconstruct the theory in the field of practical development and seek the "essence" of economics. This cognitive production oriented to historical pragmatism is a portrait of China's economics, which draws the connotation of economics.
These studies show that the methodology of political economy is the methodology of historical practice oriented by historical materialism, that is, the genesis of historical materialism. Therefore, in China, genetic research in humanities is in the ascendant. Therefore, it is necessary for us to calmly and objectively analyze the possible problems and methods in the genetic research of humanities, not only to understand its significance, but also to recognize the problems. The most fundamental thing is to put genetic research into practice and promote the overall research and development of humanities. However, we must clearly realize that genetics is only an effective way of epistemology and methodology. It can effectively solve some problems in the study of the occurrence and origin of events, but not all problems. Only from the objectivity of scientific requirements, it can only be achieved by gradual methods.
Finally, we can draw a simple conclusion: learning Chinese studies and mastering the path of natural-social discipline construction of genetics are the only way for China to achieve materialism and dialectics, dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
And the reason why we emphasize that we must choose Tao Te Ching as the starting point of our work lies in:
First of all, the source of economics is Tao Te Ching.
Second, the two basic categories of "Tao" and "Morality" studied in Tao Te Ching are the general outline of social theory of economic formation.
Thirdly, Tao Te Ching outlines the logic of Das Kapital.