Introduction to the secrets of the rise of the country in the imperial era 4
I. Basic resources
CHEATRESOURCEALL 10000 All resources are added 10000.
Cheatresourcetimber+1000 obtaining wood
CHEATRESOURCEOIL+ 1000 to obtain oil.
CHEATRESOURCEMETAL+ 1000 to obtain metal.
Cheatresourcewealthy+1000 to gain wealth.
Cheatresourceknowlege+1000 acquiring knowledge
Second, the capital construction
Cheat ad 1 city = Add farmers.
Cheat ad 1 small city = Add a small city.
Cheat ad 1 Senate = Add a House.
Cheat ad 1 library = Add a library.
Cheat ad 1 market = Add a market.
Cheat ad 1 temple = Add a temple.
Cheat ad 1 field-add field
Cheat ad 1 lumberjack = add a logging yard.
Cheat ad 1 mine = Add a mining field.
Cheat ad 1 oil = Add an oil well (in an oil mine).
Cheat ad 1 granary = add a granary.
Cheat ad 1 university = add a university.
Cheat ad 1 number = add a timber factory.
Cheat ad 1 furnace = add a furnace.
Cheat ad 1 refinery = Add an oil refinery.
Cheat ad 1 barrack = Add a barracks.
Cheat ad 1 auto = add vehicle factory.
Cheat ad 1 factory = Add an artillery factory.
Cheat ad 1 fortress/redoubt = add a fortress.
Cheat ad 1 airbase = add an airport.
Cheat ad 1 Sam installation = air defense missile position.
Cheat ad 1 stockade = add one as a defensive tower.
Third, miracles.
Cheat ad 1 pyramid = pyramid
Cheat ad 1 clossus = colossus
Cheat ad 1 Hanging = hanging garden
Cheat ad 1 tera = Terracotta Warriors and Horses
Cheat ad 1 Colosseum = Colosseum.
Cheat ad 1 Forbidden = Forbidden City
Cheat ad 1 porcelain = Hoonji glass pagoda
Cheat ad 1 Angkor = Angkor Wat
Cheat ad 1 red fort = red fort
Cheat ad 1 Versailles = Versailles
Cheat ad 1 Taj = Taj Mahal
Cheat ad 1 Kremlin = Kremlin
Cheat ad 1 state = Statue of Liberty
Cheat ad 1 eiffeil = Eiffel Tower
Cheat ad 1 Super = super collider
Cheat ad 1 space = space program.
Fourth, political units.
Cheat ad 1 Alexandria = Alexandria
Cheat ad 1 Napoleon = Napoleon
Cheat ad 1 Wellington = Wellington
cheat ad 1 parmenio = pamil io
cheat ad 1 anti pater = anti pater
Cheat ad 1 Ptolemy = Ptolemy
cheat ad 1 Darius = Darius
cheat ad 1 Memnon = Memnon
cheat ad 1 spita menes = spida maines
cheat ad 1 chandraguptamaruya = Chandragupta
cheat ad 1 porus = poros。
Archduke Charles = Archduke Charles
Cheat ad 1 DJ ezzar = Gessa
Cheat ad 1 advisorfouché= Fu Xie consultant.
Cheatad1Commanders Schwarzenberg = Commander Schwarzenberg
CHEATADD50THEDESPOT = plus 50 tyrants.
Cheat ad 50 the senator = plus 50 senators.
CHEATADD50THEMONARCH = add 50 monarchs.
Cheat ad 50 the president = plus 50 presidents.
CHEATADD50THECOMRADE = add 50 comrades.
CHEATADD50GENERAL = plus 50 generals
CHEATADD50SPY = add 50 spies.
Five, ordinary units
CHEATADD50CITIZEN = plus 50 farmers.
CHEATADD50SCHOLAR = plus 50 scholars
CHEATADD50CAR = 50 caravans.
Cheat ad 50 armed caravan = plus 50 armed caravans.
CHEATADD50MERCHANT = plus 50 merchants.
Cheat ad 50 armed merchant = plus 50 armed businessmen.
CHEATADD50SUPPLYWAGON = 50 additional supply trucks.
Cheat ad 50 armed supply wagon = 50 armed supply trucks.
Six, general arms
CHEATADD50Militia = plus 50 militiamen.
CHEATADD50Minuteman = plus 50 reserve militia.
50 guerrillas = plus 50 guerrillas.
CHEATADD50Scout = add 50 scouts.
CHEATADD50Explorer = add 50 explorers.
Cheat ad 50 commando = plus 50 commando
Cheat ad 50 special forces = plus 50 special forces
Cheatad 50 elite special forces = plus 50 elite special forces
Cheat ad 50 slings = plus 50 slings.
50 Javelin Soldiers = 50 Javelin Soldiers are added.
CHEATADD50EliteJavelineers = = plus 50 elite javelin soldiers.
CHEATADD50Arquebusiers = 50 additional firefighters.
Cheat ad 50 machine gun = add 50 machine guns.
Cheat ad 50 heavy machine gun = plus 50 heavy machine guns.
Cheat ad 50 advanced machine gun = plus 50 advanced machine guns.
Cheat ad 50 flame thrower = plus 50 flame thrower.
Cheat ad 50 heavy infantry = plus 50 heavy infantry.
Cheat ad 50 phalanx = plus 50 elite infantry
Add 50 spearmen.
CHEATADD50ElitePikemen = add 50 elite spearmen.
Add 50 fusiliers.
Cheatadd 50 anti-tank infantry = plus 50 anti-tank infantry.
Cheatad 50 bazooka = plus 50 rockets
Cheat ad 50 anti-tank missile = plus 50 anti-tank missile.
Cheat ad 50 archers = plus 50 archers.
Cheating 50 archers = plus 50 Gong Bing.
Cheatad 50 crossbowmen = plus 50 crossbowmen
CHEATADD50HorseArcher = add 50 archers.
Cheatadd 50 heavyhorsearcher = add 50 plus 50 heavy archers.
CHEATADD50Dragoon = add 50 dragon knights.
Cheatadd 50 musket = 50 carbine cavalry.
Cheat ad 50 light horse = plus 50 hussars.
Cheat ad 50 hussars = plus 50 hussars.
CHEATADD50EliteLightCavalry = plus 50 elite light cavalry.
Cheat ad 50 hussars = plus 50 hussars.
Cheat ad 50 armoured car = add 50 armored vehicles.
CHEATADD50ArmoredScoutCar = plus 50 armored reconnaissance vehicles.
Cheat ad 50 armored cavalry = plus 50 armored fighting vehicles.
Add 50 strong cavalry
CHEATADD50Knight = add 50 knights.
Cheat ad 50 knight night = plus 50 knight.
Cheat ad 50 breastplate knight = plus 50 breastplate knight.
Cheat ad 50 light tank = add 50 light chariots.
CHEATADD50Tank = add 50 tanks.
Cheat ad 50 main battle tank = add 50 main battle tanks.
CHEATADD50Catapult = plus 50 crossbows.
CHEATADD50Trebuchet = plus 50 trebuchet.
CHEATADD50Bombard = 50 guns.
CHEATADD50Cannon = 50 cannons.
50 cannons = 50 cannons.
Cheat ad 50 howitzer = plus 50 howitzers.
Cheat ad 50 rocket launcher = plus more than 50 rocket cars.
CHEATADD50Anti anti-aircraft gun = plus 50 anti-aircraft gun.
Cheatadd 50 anti-aircraft gun group = plus 50 anti-aircraft guns.
Cheatadd 50 air defense missile = plus 50 air defense missile.
Seven, the plane
Cheat ad 50 helicopter = plus 50 utility helicopters.
CHEATADD50ATTACK = add 50 attack helicopters.
Cheat ad 50 bomber = plus 50 bomber.
Cheat ad 50 biplane = plus 50 biplane fighters.
CHEATADD50JET = plus 50 jet fighters.
Cheat ad 50 strategy = plus 50 strategic bombers.
CHEATADD50STEALTH = plus 50 B2 stealth bombers.
Eight. boat
Cheat ad 50 battleship = plus 50 battleships.
Cheat ad 50 aircraft = add 50 aircraft carriers.
CHEATADD50DREAD = add 50 dreadnoughts.
Add 50 guided missile cruisers.
CHEATADD50DESTROYER = add 50 destroyers.
Cheat ad 50 submarine = plus 50 submarines.
Cheat ad 50 cruiser = plus 50 cruisers.
Cheat ad 50 fishermen = plus 50 fishing boats.
Cheat ad 10 nuclear submarine = 10 nuclear submarine.
Nine, the country's unique arms
IROQUOIS (Iroquois):
CHEATADD50TAKOHS = 50 pathfinders (special arms, with dogs, unable to attack, with intellectual skills).
Cheat ad 50 spearmen = plus 50 spearmen.
CHEATADD50MOHAWK = plus 50 Mohorter spearmen.
CHEATADD50AKWEKS = add 50 explorers (special arms, with dogs, unable to attack, with intellectual skills).
Cheat ad 50 okwa ri = 50 unique snipers (intelligence, sniper, blasting).
LAKOTA (Lakota):
Add 50 paladin knights.
CHEATADD50REPEATING = add 50 cavalry with repeating rifles.
United States (USA)
Add 50 marines.
Add 50 rifle shooters.
Add 50 amphibious tanks.
50 commandos = plus 50 commandos.
Netherlands (Dutch)
CHEATADD50ARMED = plus 50 defended caravans.
CHEATADD50BRIG = 50 dhows.
CHEATADD50FLUYT = plus 50 Nordic merchant ships.
Cheat ad 50 scissors = plus 50 scissors.
India (India)
CHEATADD50WAR = plus 50 single elephants.
CHEATADD50MAHOUT = plus 50 double images.
CHEATADD50CULVERIN = 50 cannon elephants.
Persian (Persian)
CHEATADD50WAR = plus 50 single elephants.
CHEATADD50MAHOUT = plus 50 double images.
CHEATADD50CULVERIN = 50 cannon elephants.
Cheat ad 50 Immortality = 50 undead warriors added.
Cheat ad 50 anus iya = plus 50 advanced undead warriors.
Add 50 soldiers in shining armor.
CHEATADD50ARQUEBUS = add 50 firefighters.
AZTECS (aztecs):
Cheatadd50atl = 50 javelin soldiers.
Add 50 elite Jaguarjavelin soldiers.
CHEATADD50ROYAL = plus 50 Royal Musketeers.
Cheat ad 50 jaguar = plus 50 jaguar infantry
Cheat ad 50 assault = plus 50 jaguar infantry.
Cheat ad 50 umpa kati = plus 50 tribal hunters
CHEATADD50YANGOMBI = plus 50 tribal warriors.
CHEATADD50IMPI = plus 50 Bantu fighters.
CHEATADD50HAWK = plus 50 Zhu fighters.
Britain (BROTISH):
CHEATADD50LONGBOWMEN = plus 50 longbowmen.
CHEATADD50KING = plus 50 royal longbowmen.
Cheating 50 enemies = plus 50 freemen.
Cheat ad 50 Highlander = plus 50 English Highlander Infantry.
CHEATADD50BLACK = plus 50 Scottish Highland Guards.
Add 50 Lancaster bombers.
China (Chinese):
CHEATADD50FIRE = add 50 fire dragon shooters.
CHEATADD50HEAVY = add 50 heavy fire dragon archers.
CHEATADD50MANCHU = plus 50 firemen with eight banners.
Cheat ad 50 riflemen = plus 50 eight flags.
Cheat ad 50 infantry = plus 50 China infantry.
Egypt (Egyptian):
Cheat ad 50 combat vehicles = 50 additional infantry combat vehicles.
CHEATADD50CAMEL = add 50 camels.
Cheat ad 50 mame Luke = plus 50 mameluke soldiers.
France (France):
CHEATADD50CHEVALIER = plus 50 Frankish soldiers.
Germany (Germany):
CHEATADD50SOLDARI = plus 50 German soldiers.
Cheat ad 50 barbarian = plus 50 barbarian soldiers.
Cheat ad 50 vandals = plus 50 vandals.
CHEATADD50LANDSKNECHTS = plus 50 to hire infantry.
CHEATADD50VOLKSGRENADIERS = 50 additional national grenadiers.
CHEATADD50MG42 = add 50 MG42 machine guns.
CHEATADD50TIGER = add 50 tiger tanks.
CHEATADD50LEOPARD = Add 50 Leopard tanks.
Greece (Greeks):
CHEATADD50COMPANION = plus 50 Macedonian knights.
CHEATADD50STRATIOTAI = plus 50 Royal Greek Cavalry.
INCA (inca):
CHEATADD50INTI = plus 50 soldiers of the sun.
CHEATADD50MORTAR = add 50 white guns.
CHEATADD50SIEGE siege = 50 mortars.
Japan (Japanese):
Add 50 light spearmen.
CHEATADD50BUSHI = plus 50 samurai.
Cheat ad 50 warrior = plus 50 guards.
CHEATADD50GUN = 50 musket guards.
Korea (Korea):
CHEATADD50HWARANG = add 50 flowers.
CHEATADD50ELITEHWARANG = = plus 50 elite flowers lang.
CHEATADD50ROYALHWARANG = plus 50 royal flowers lang.
Cheat ad 50 eliteroyalwarang = plus 50 elite royal flower lang
CHEATADD50FLAMING = add 50 crossbows.
MAYA (Maya):
Cheat ad 50 Bala mob = plus 50 Mayan warriors.
CHEATADD50EAGLE = Add 50 Mayan Condor Warriors.
Cheat ad 50 recoilless gun = 50 recoilless gun.
CHEATADD50DRAGON = add 50 dragon anti-tank missiles.
Mongolia (Mongols):
Cheat ad 50 no mad = plus 50 nomads.
Cheatad 50 grassland = plus 50 nomadic shooters
CHEATADD50HORDE = = plus 50 Mongolian shooters.
CHEATADD50GOLDEN = plus 50 gold Mongolian shooter.
Nubian (Nubian):
CHEATADD50KUSHITE = plus 50 kuhitt shooters.
CHEATADD50APEDEMAK = plus 50 Nubian shooters.
Rome (ROMANS):
CHEATADD50LEGIONS = plus 50 Roman legions.
Cheat ad 50 Caesar = plus 50 Caesar soldiers.
Cheat ad 50 guards = plus 50 Roman guards.
Russia (Russia):
CHEATADD50RUSINY = plus 50 Ross lancers.
50 Cossacks = plus 50 Cossack cavalry.
CHEATADD50DON = 50 guards Cossack cavalry are added.
CHEATADD50RED = plus 50 Red Army soldiers.
CHEATADD50KATYUSHA = plus 50 Katyusha rockets.
CHEATADD50SHOCK = plus 50 Red Army infantry.
CHEATADD50T80 = 50 T80 main battle vehicles are added.
Spain (Spain):
CHEATADD50SCUTARI = 50 long shield infantry.
CHEATADD50TERCIOS = plus 50 conquerors
Turkey (Turk):
Cheating 50 guards = plus 50 guards.
Cheat ad 50 BIM bard = 50 muskets.
CHEATADD50BASILICA = plus 50 royal rifles.
CHEATADD50CANNON = 50 square guns.
X. synthesis
Cheating musketeers-find a rifleman
Chetad 5 musketeers-find five marines.
Light light blue gets five marines.
Cheataddlightcavalry, you want troops without space)
Chetad D5 HeavyarcherBrian-Brian got five archers (PSBRIAN is the name of the player, write yourself or other names).
AddsacompleteFort。 -Get a complete fortress
Get an unfinished fortress.
CheatdnewCITYgreen-green got a new city
Cheatdie kills the selected thing.
Cheatrevealon map opens.
Cheatrevealoff map returns to black.
Choose your own players.
Cheatdamage+ 100 Increase the damage of the selected unit or building 100.
Cheatdamage- 1000 Damage reduction of selected units or buildings 1000.
Cheatfinish technology is under construction and soldiers will finish it immediately.
Cheatbeblue- Change to Control Blue
Cheat EbBrian-Become the controlling Brian (PSBRIAN is the name of the player, play your own or other players' names).
Blue alliance
CheatpeaceBrian-Brian cease fire
Cheatwargreen went to war with green.
computer control
Cheathuanblue- The player becomes control blue.
Cheatcomputergreen- The computer turns to control green.
Cheathumanall- Players control all countries.
Cheatcomputerall- Computers become the control of all countries.
Cheaters win.
Cheatvictoryyellow Yellow player wins.
Cheatdefeat players are defeated.
Cheatdefeatwhite white white player is defeated
Cheatresource number = change resource.
Cheatreveal= The map is completely open.
CheatAI= set AI.
Cheatdiff0-5= Set the difficulty.
Compulsory alliance
Cheatpeace= forced not to fight.
Compulsory war
Cheattech= change technology
Cheatage= Change the age of the country.
Change the rank of the army.
Deceive citizens = change the level of education
Cheatcommerce= Change business level.
Cheating science = changing the technical level
Cheatlibrary= Change the library level.
Cheat box 0 or 1 = Manufacture of switch binding box
Cheatnuke= Detonate a nuclear missile where the mouse is located.
Cheatsafe= The human castle is protected by machine guns.
Cheatbird= producing wild birds
The above is an introduction to the secrets of the rise of the four countries in the imperial era compiled by Bian Xiao. You got it?