First, acute gouty arthritis, a typical attack of patients, often wakes up in the middle of the night because of joint pain, and the pain gradually intensifies, manifested as tearing and cutting, which is unbearable, and the affected joints and surrounding tissues are red, swollen, hot and painful, and their functions are limited. At this time, the white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein increased. Some patients may have fever, chills, headache and other systemic symptoms.
Second, during intermittent attack, gout has no obvious sequelae, most patients can have recurrent attacks, and more and more joints are involved. In addition, in the stage of chronic tophi, tophi can be produced in synovium, cartilage and surrounding soft tissues of joints, as well as urinary calculi, including kidney calculi's and ureteral calculi. In addition, if it affects the kidneys, it will cause uric acid nephropathy and renal insufficiency.
Therefore, if you have gout, you must go to the hospital to ask a doctor for treatment, reduce the blood uric acid content and prevent complications.