Invalid? Timer initialization ()
TMOD = 0x 22;
SCON = 0x 50;
th 1 = 0x FD;
TL 1 = 0x FD;
tr 1 = 1;
TH0 = 246
TL0 = 246
ET0 = 1;
TR0 = 1;
ES = 1;
EA = 1;
PS = 1; ?
Invalid? Timer 0_int ()? Interrupt? 1?
If (time & lt50)//count is the duty ratio.
PWM = 1; //Output high level
Or what?
PWM = 0;
If (time & gt= 100)
Time = 0;
Invalid? ser()? Interrupt? four
What if? (day)
RI = 0;
re _ buf[counter]= SBUF;
if(counter = = 0 & amp; & ampRe_buf[0]! =0x55)? Return; ? //No.0 data is not a frame header.
counter++; ?
if(counter== 1 1)? //Received 1 1 data.
Counter = 0; ? //Reassign the value and prepare to receive the next frame of data?
switch(Re_buf? [ 1])
Case? 0x53:?
UC return[0]= Re _ buf[2];
UC return[ 1]= Re _ buf[3];
UC return[2]= Re _ buf[4];
UC return[3]= Re _ buf[5];
UC return[4]= Re _ buf[6];
UC return[5]= Re _ buf[7];
Vax? =? ((short) (UC strangles [1] < & lt8|? UC return[0]))/32768.0 * 180;
if(Vax & gt; 0)
x = 1;
xx = 0;
Or what? if(Vax & lt; =0)
x = 0;
xx = 1;