Deer are closely related to the life of ancient people in China, and play a very important role in the daily life of ancient people and even in social and political activities. In the seventh volume of Guanzi, there is such a thing: in eight years, Guan Zhong asked for instructions: "As a gift from the princes, I will enjoy leopard skin and deer skin. Go with horses and return with dogs. " Huan Gong promised to do so. Guan Zhong also invited the ministers of Guo Yuhe. "
The ancients used deerskin as a wedding gift, which was obviously not made casually, but was carefully selected. Young people give deerskin as a gift to the girl he likes, which will definitely make the girl very happy.
Modern scholars also found that deer became the object of worship as early as ancient times. There is a horse-shaped tiger pattern named "Deer Mouse" in Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing, which is a singing monster with white head and red tail. People can reproduce by wearing its fur.
This primitive worship of deer further shows that the custom of using deer skin as reed in ancient wedding ceremonies is not only precious and practical, but also has a great relationship with its symbolic significance of reproduction.