Total population: 860; Agricultural population: 850; Non-agricultural population: 10.
—— Administrative area: 5.32 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 627.6 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: Dong, Miao and Han. Development slogan: Building a peaceful and harmonious village.
-Villages under its jurisdiction: Ama, Ashou, Ashue, Jiayi, Jiaer, Poyi and Poer. 10 GDP:7 1 10,000 yuan.
-Main economic industries: rice, sweet potato and corn. Famous products: rice, sweet potato and corn. Office location: Dongtou, Biya Village
Biya Village is adjacent to Wenjiang Village, Lantian Village, Gongshan Village, Gan Tang Village, Shanxi Village, Sanhe Village, Sanlian Village, Pingzhai Village, Dufu Village, Yanbei Village, Puxi Village, Gaohua Village, Xinmin Village and Buping Village.
Near Biya Village, there are tourist attractions such as Sanmentang Dongzhai Village, Jinshan Cave, Gaohua Village, Sanxingyan Village, Sanmentang Village Ancient Buildings, etc. There are specialties such as Yuankou Tofu, Tianzhu Characteristic Tobacco Leaf, Tianzhu Navel Orange, Tianzhu Native Duck and Tianzhu Hongtengguo.