(World Environment Day theme): 1974: There is only one earth (1975): human settlements (1976): water, an important source of life (water: a vital resource of life) 1977: paying attention to ozone layer destruction and soil erosion. Land loss and soil degradation; Firewood) 1978: Development without destruction 1979: For children's future-our children have only one future-development without destruction.
The 1980s
1980: new decade, new challenges-new challenges of new decay (development without destruction) 198 1 year: protect groundwater and human food chain, and prevent toxic chemical pollution (groundwater; Toxic chemicals in human food chain and environmental economics) 1982: Commemorating the anniversary of Stockholm Conference on Human Environment 10-Raising environmental awareness ten years after Stockholm Conference (re-focusing on environmental issues) 1983: Management and disposal of hazardous wastes, prevention and control of acid rain damage and improvement of energy utilization (acid rain and energy)/KLOC-0.
1990: Children and the Environment 199 1: Climate Change-The Need for Global Partnership 2006 World Environment Day, China.
1992: there is only one earth-caring and enjoying (there is only one earth, caring and sharing) 1993: poverty and environment-breaking the vicious circle 1994: one earth, one family 1995: people of all countries. We people: unite for the global environment 1996: our earth, our habitat, our home 1997: for life on earth 1998: for life on earth-save our oceans 1999: saving the earth means saving the future! )
2 1 century
2000: 2000 Environmental Millennium-Time for Action 2000 Environmental Millennium-Time for Action 200 1: Connecting with the World Wide Web Life 2002: Give the Earth a chance 2003: Water-2 billion people were born on the Earth! The lives of 2 billion people depend on it! Water-two billion people are dying for it! ) 2004: Every man is responsible for the survival of the ocean (wanted! Ocean-Dead or Alive? ) 2005: build a green city and care for the earth's home! (Green City-Planning for Planning) China Theme: Everyone Participate in Creating a Green Home 2006: Don't Let Dry Land Become a Desert! China theme: ecological security and environment-friendly society 2007: melting ice-a hot topic? China Theme: Reducing Pollution and Environmentally Friendly Society 2008: Quit Smoking! Towards a low-carbon economy) China theme: Green Olympics and an environment-friendly society 2009: The earth needs you: your planet needs you-unite to deal with climate change China theme: reduce pollution-take action. 10 years: diverse species, unique earth, and a * * future (many categories. A planet. China theme: low carbon emission reduction, green life.