The default port of Tomcat is 8080. If it conflicts with other ports, look for the following code in server.xml
& lt connector port ="8080 "protocol ="HTTP/ 1. 1"
connectionTimeout="20000 "
redirectPort="8443" />
Just change 8080 to another port.
You can understand the context like this.
For example, if you have a project deployed under tomcat and its name is prj, you need to use the following address to access it.
If you want to directly access p0 project through http://localhost:8080/, you need to write it in the context.
& ltcontext path = " " docBase = " E:\ Tomcat \ web app \ P0 " debug = " 0 " reloadable = " true " cross context = " true "/& gt;
The path property is the name of the access directory after the url, and docBase is the path of the project.
If you want to access through http://localhost:8080/project, the context is as follows.
& lt context path = "/project" docbase = "e: \ Tomcat \ webapp \ P0" debug = "0". . . .
As you can understand, the context provides a different name for the deployed project. If there is no context, you need to add the project name after http://localhost:8080/ to access the project.