Human understanding is the unity of wholeness and process. In the previous discussion, we mentioned the "intellectual thinking" in the cognitive process many times and complained. It is necessary to make a fair and brief summary at the end of this book. We believe that the study of intellectual thinking will undoubtedly help to expand the study of the whole theoretical thinking, and we can sum up our historical experience at a rather detached intermediary level.
"Intellectuality", the original German version of Verstand, is often translated as "reason" or "understanding". The idea of "intellectuality" has a long history in the history of philosophy, and Plato was probably the first person to put forward the concept of "intellectuality". He divided knowledge into imagination, common sense, scientific and mathematical knowledge and philosophy. Corresponding to these four kinds of knowledge, people also have four mental states or cognitive abilities: imagination, belief, intellectuality and rationality. Aristotle called intellectuality "passive rationality". He thinks that the whole cognition can be divided into sensibility, passive rationality and active rationality. Passive rationality is the rationality associated with perceptual knowledge, which has the function of dealing with perceptual materials, and cannot exist without perceptual knowledge. Bruno in Renaissance clearly divided thinking into two stages: rationality and rationality, while Nicola in Coussa divided cognition into sensibility, intellectuality and mind. In modern times, Locke and Spinoza have different expressions to further distinguish rationality, and Wolff and others have also defined intellectuality and rationality. Kant, on the other hand, thinks about perceptual objects with "intellectual" understanding as the main body, comprehensively handles special irrelevant perceptual objects, and connects them into a regular innate cognitive ability of natural science knowledge. Hegel pointed out that intellectual thinking has the characteristics of abstraction, universality, identity, firmness, clarity and separation. As a result, intellectuality began to be understood as having an active personality. Intellectual thinking, as a necessary basic link and a relatively independent stage of dialectical development of cognition, once attracted the attention of theoretical circles in China, but it failed to be studied in depth for various understandable reasons.
The understanding of experience is not equal to the perceptual representation, and when people form concepts and use these concepts to judge and reason, they have not been able to grasp the essence of things as a whole and from the internal contradictions of things immediately. In the process of the leap from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, there are objectively different stages of development that spiral from low to high. For a long time, we have confused rational thinking with rational thinking. Intellectual thinking seems to be quite consistent with reason in terms of its transcendence of sensibility; However, it is obviously different from narrow sense rationality in the way and process of grasping the object and the scope and level involved. Correctly defining intellectual thinking is an indispensable aspect of grasping rational thinking. So what is intellectual thinking? This is the first problem to be faced when investigating intellectual thinking. In academic discussions, opinions on this issue are often inconsistent. Some theorists attribute intellectual thinking mainly to some form of knowledge, while some researchers only understand it as a certain stage in the thinking process, and so on. There is no doubt that these opinions have their own views, but at the same time they are inevitably biased towards one end. If we have a bird's eye view of intellectual thinking as a whole, it is not difficult to find that intellectual thinking is actually a complex unity composed of many elements. (The following analysis mainly refers to, synthesizes and quotes Yang Guorong's "Reason and Value", Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore Edition, pages 39-48; Research on Thinking Science, edited by Zhao Guangwu, Renmin University of China Press,180-221)
(1), what is intellectual thinking?
As far as a link of cognition is concerned, intellectual thinking includes at least the following three elements: first, thinking method. The main feature of the intellectual method lies in seeking common ground while reserving differences, that is, "losing a part of the diversity of specific things" (page 247 of Hegel's Little Logic Commercial Press), and extracting the same (self-same) aspects. Logically speaking, seeking common ground while reserving differences is inextricably linked with analytical methods: the former is often realized through the so-called analytical function (ibid.). The intellectual method is to put some factors of analytical method into itself without comprehensive method, which makes it different from dialectical thinking method. Second, thinking activities. Kant made a comparison between sensibility and intellectuality, and thought that the former's function was to visualize the object, while the latter's function was mainly to think about the object. As the activity of thinking object, the intellectual characteristics are mainly manifested in two aspects: one is cutting movement, that is, cutting the development process of the object into different faults, and then studying each cross section. The second is to decompose the whole, that is, to decompose the complete unity into various provisions and examine them. The former mainly puts aside the vertical connection of things and leads to the cross section for analysis, while the latter cuts off the horizontal connection of things and separates the unified elements for exploration. Third, the result of thinking. If thinking activities constitute the dynamic aspect of intellectual thinking, then the result of thinking constitutes the static aspect of intellectual thinking. Intellectuality initially reveals the internal rules of things through thinking activities such as decomposition and termination, and its results are mainly expressed in the form of concepts. Hegel said: "In' (verstandeslogik'), concept is often regarded as a simple form of thinking", which is relative to diversity and concreteness. That is to say, in content, the result of intellectual thinking is actually an abstract concept that abandons the diversity and concreteness of things and only reflects a certain fragment or law.
The above three elements of intellectual thinking are not separated from each other, and they have internal logical relations. Intellectual method stipulates the basic procedure and direction of intellectual thinking activities, which can actually be regarded as a concrete process of thinking about objects by intellectual method: the so-called whole cutting movement and segmentation is nothing more than an activity of seeking common ground (extracting the same rules) by shelving differences. From another point of view, the way to know sacrifice always lies in specific intellectual thinking activities, leaving intellectual activities. The intellectual method is a vague thing, which has no real content and can only be regarded as a potential intellectual at most. Only in actual intellectual activities can intellectual methods be transformed from potential to reality, and specific regulations can be obtained. As for the interdependence between intellectual thinking achievements and intellectual activities, it is even more obvious: as an abstract concept of intellectual thinking achievements, it is nothing more than the direct crystallization of intellectual activities, without which intellectual concepts cannot be produced; On the other hand, if intellectual activities are not condensed and accumulated by the concept of intelligence, they will inevitably become fleeting and unpredictable, thus losing their practical significance.
Generally speaking, the so-called intellectual thinking is essentially a complex thinking phenomenon formed by the organic connection of intellectual methods, intellectual activities and intellectual concepts. Among them, intellectual activity is in the core position: it not only endows intellectual methods with reality, but also stipulates the nature of intellectual concepts. In this sense, it can also be said that intellectual thinking is a kind of thinking activity that uses the method of seeking common ground while reserving differences to decompose specific things or processes into fragments and laws, and then solidifies these laws with abstract concepts.
(2) relatively independent stages in the cognitive process.
As far as the cognitive process is concerned, intellectuality is a relatively independent cognitive stage between sensibility and rationality; From the rational point of view, it belongs to the advanced stage of sensibility, and from the perceptual point of view, it belongs to the primary stage of rationality. We know that any thinking activity is always associated with a certain cognitive process, and intellectual thinking with intellectual activity as the core does not exist outside the cognitive process. So, what kind of cognitive link does intellectual thinking constitute in the whole cognitive process? This problem can only be solved by linking intellectual thinking with the cognitive process itself.
As a process, cognition takes perceptual intuition as the first stage. The highest form of perceptual intuition is representation, which has two characteristics: first, it is external because of its external characteristics; Secondly, it reflects the object in the form of chaos as a whole, so it has integrity. These two characteristics determine that perceptual intuition will inevitably be denied in the subsequent cognitive stage, because the fundamental task of cognition is to grasp the internal essence and regularity of things, and the essence is composed of contradictions in various aspects or the internal relations of essential elements. To grasp the essence of things, we must first decompose things into various regulations and examine them separately. In this way, starting from perceptual knowledge, the logical journey of cognitive development is bound to show from the outside to the inside of things, from perceptual concreteness to abstract thinking. This work is mainly accomplished by intellectual thinking. On the one hand, intellectuality goes deep into the inner level of the object by means of truncation, decomposition and other activities, thus sublating the perceptual externality; On the other hand, by rejecting differences and seeking equality, it evaporates "the complete representation into abstract provisions", thus overcoming the perceptual confusion.
Hegel thinks: "Intellectuality holds a separate and abstract attitude towards its object, so it is the opposite of direct intuition and feeling, while direct intuition and feeling only involve specific content and always stay in concreteness." (Small Logic, 173) The "directness" mentioned here refers to the externality, and the "concreteness" refers to the integrity of chaos. It can be said that only when cognition reaches the intellectual stage can we get rid of the externality and chaos of perceptual intuition, thus providing the necessary premise for grasping the internal essence of things and achieving rational concreteness. With the sublation of sensibility by intellectuality, cognition has entered the stage of abstract thinking. If internality (grasping internal regulations) mainly provides a standard for dividing intellectuality and sensibility, but it has not yet distinguished intellectuality from rationality (because rationality also has the characteristics of internality), then abstractness (separability) not only makes intellectuality different from sensibility, but also makes rationality different; Therefore, it can be said that abstraction is a more fundamental feature of intellectual thinking. The abstractness of intellectual thinking is mainly manifested in clinging to the identity of each provision, while spreading the interrelation between them: "As far as thinking is intellectual (rational), it insists on the difference between fixed provisions and opposing provisions. Intellectual thinking regards every limited abstract concept as something that exists or exists by itself. " (Small Logic, page 172) Rules abstracted from appearances are still in a state of mutual differentiation in the intellectual stage, and their original connections (including vertical connections related to the process and horizontal connections related to the whole, etc.). ) have been temporarily cut off.
However, from the whole cognitive process, this abstraction characterized by temporary disconnection still has its rationality. From the point of view of process, "understanding the movement of the object can only be carried out dialectically: retreating in order to advance more accurately." (Lenin's Notes on Philosophy, page 3 10) Measured by specific standards, intellectual abstraction is undoubtedly a retreat: that is, from concrete appearances to abstract provisions, but this retreat is objectively necessary to "advance more accurately", because if you don't cut off the uninterrupted things, simplify and coarsen the living things, cut them into pieces, and make them rigid. Cutting off the process and decomposing the whole is a necessary condition for grasping living concrete things in thinking: people always start from a certain cross section and then look back and look forward. Without the investigation of the relative static state of things, it is impossible to truly understand its development process; Similarly, if we don't study the various directions and regulations of the object in detail first, we can't reproduce the whole object in our minds. Compared with perceptual intuition, intellectual thinking not only has its reasons for existence, but also has its objective inevitability from the development of cognition to rational thinking.
Intellectual thinking not only constitutes a necessary link in the transition from perceptual concreteness to rational concreteness, but also contains the possibility (foundation) of realizing this transition by denying itself. As mentioned above, what intellectuality does is to point out the various attributes of things. That is, only the individual provisions of things are extracted, and the relationship between these provisions is not further revealed. It is this limitation that constitutes the internal factor of self-denial of intellectual thinking: it determines that intellectual thinking must be sublated by the dialectical movement of cognition. Hegel pointed out: "it is true that intellectuality gives them such a hardness through abstract universal forms, which they do not have in the qualitative field of reflection and reflection;" But intellectuality is purified through this list, and at the same time, it gives them spirit and makes them sharp, so it is at this apex that they gain the ability to dissolve themselves and transition to their opposites. " (See Hegel's Logic, Commercial Press, pp. 280, 279 and 540). That is, by endowing each regulation with an abstract universality, intellectuality transforms it from an external characteristic into a regulation of thinking ("spirit"), and then unilaterally ("simplification") and immobilizes ("hardening") this abstract universality, so that the opposition of each regulation reaches a sharp level.
Generally speaking, the process of mutual transition and communication between the provisions of intellectual thinking not only constitutes the specific content of intellectual thinking self-denial, but also shows the development of knowledge from intellectual to rational.
(3) Intellectual thinking and formal logic.
As far as the form of thinking is concerned, the close relationship between intellectual thinking and formal logic thinking is obvious. On the one hand, it denies the externality and chaos of perceptual representation because of its internality and separability, on the other hand, it is bound to be abandoned by rational thinking because of its abstraction. From the whole process of cognition, it has the nature of transition and intermediary, and it is the necessary stage to grasp the concrete truth. This special nature and position of intellectual thinking has formed a rather complicated relationship with formal logic and metaphysical way of thinking. In order to grasp the characteristics of intellectual thinking more accurately, we must make some investigations on it. Hegel said: "The laws of intellectuality are identity and simple self-connection." (Small Logic, p. 279) This identity is also the main law of formal logic, and its basic requirement is to think about objects from the same angle. This is the law that rational thinking follows when abstracting the appearance of chaos. It emphasizes that articles are articles, not anything else. This way of thinking, in a certain sense, is what Hegel called "simplification". It is this principle that gives certainty to thinking: "No matter in theory or in practice, there will be no firmness and stipulation without rationality." In this regard, it can be said that intellectual thinking is the concretization of formal logic principles in the cognitive process.
However, the principles and methods of intellectual thinking and formal logic are not exactly the same. As we all know, formal logic mainly studies the form and structure of thinking, and does not involve the specific content of thinking. The object of intellectual thinking is not only the form and structure of thinking, but also various concrete materials about objects provided by perceptual intuition. In other words, intellectual thinking does not stop at formal reasoning, but focuses on the analysis and abstraction of perceptual content. It is the characteristics of taking concrete things as objects that determine that intellectual thinking should not only use general formal logic methods, but also be directly or indirectly related to practical activities: because the internal essence of objects can neither be provided by perceptual intuition nor revealed by pure speculative reasoning, it is often gradually exposed through concrete practical processes.
This is particularly evident in the study of natural science. The practice of natural science is also an experiment, which is characterized by selectivity and analysis. It always highlights and strengthens other attributes of the object on the premise of putting aside some factors of the object, that is, in a pure (idealized) form. It can be said that only on the basis of experiments can we really extract all the provisions of things and make an accurate investigation. For example, to grasp the chemical properties of an object (that is, the stipulation of a certain aspect of the object), we must resort to chemical experiments. Here, intellectuality can't move without experiments. It is in this sense that Engels listed experiments as the elements of understanding (intellectuality) activities. From this point of view, if intellectual thinking is completely equivalent to formal logic thinking mode, it will inevitably take away its specific content and objective basis, thus making it hollow.
Simply equating intellectual thinking with metaphysical thinking method is another bad luck that intellectual thinking often encounters.
Formally speaking, intellectual thinking and metaphysical methods do have many similarities, such as abstraction, rigidity (fixity) and so on, and they are often similar. But similarity and proximity are not the same. If we make a more specific analysis, it is not difficult to find that there is an essential difference between the two objectively. One of the reasons for confusing metaphysical methods with intellectual thinking is that they both insist on abstract identity, so we must distinguish them, that is, we must compare the identity of intellectual thinking (that is, the identity of formal logic) with the identity of metaphysics. Intellectual identity, if expressed by formal logic formula, is a = a, which emphasizes the identity of the object itself. The so-called self-identity is to affirm that thing is that thing, not another thing. As for the internal differences of the object itself, intellectuality does not deny it, but does not study it.
Logically speaking, there is no contradiction between recognizing the internal differences of things and the identity of intellectuals. For example, "A = A" and "A with difference = A with difference" are not contradictory, and these two propositions are also recognized by intellectual thinking. As mentioned above, the result of intellectual thinking is the same abstract stipulation. From the perspective of the whole cognitive process, this self-consistent regulation contains the inherent differences of potential forms (otherwise, the thinking journey from abstract to concrete becomes the process of mechanical combination of various abstract regulations), so the revelation and affirmation of these regulations by intellectual thinking objectively admits the inherent differences of potential forms. In contrast, metaphysical identity completely denies the existence of internal differences. In its view, the formulation of "identity with differences" is self-contradictory, and identity can only be absolute identity without differences. For example, Dong Zhongshu, a metaphysical philosopher in the Han Dynasty, said: "Nature of heaven, opposites, cannot be two, so it is called one, one cannot be two, and the trip to heaven is also. Yin and Yang are opposites, so either out or in, right or left. " That is, the two opposites of Yin and Yang cannot exist in the same thing at the same time, but only in the left and right things successively or separately. Strictly speaking, only this metaphysical absolute identity is the abstract identity as opposed to the concrete identity in dialectics.
Related to the differences on the issue of "identity", there are also essential differences between intellectual thinking and metaphysics in how to treat the differences in different provisions. Engels said: "Identity with oneself must be supplemented by differences with everything else from the beginning" (Selected Works of Marx and Engels, 2nd edition, 4 volumes, 323 pages). Intellectual thinking, while insisting on its own identity, does have the side of clinging to the differences of various regulations and putting aside its connection.
But, first of all, abandoning contact does not mean rejecting contact. Intellectuality emphasizes the differences between regulations to overcome the confusion of perceptual representation. In the expression, the particularity of the provisions is often covered up by the overall confusion and ambiguity. In order to make these regulations appear in some form, we have to temporarily put aside their connections and focus on their boundaries. In other words, the differences that intellectual thinking insists on are deterministic in nature, and their opposites are mainly not each other. Although intellectuality does not discuss the relationship between articles, it does not deny the existence of this relationship. Secondly, the differences mentioned in intellectual thinking are transitional in nature. Intellectual thinking focuses on the certainty (difference) of each regulation. Once the particularity of the regulation itself is deeply excavated, its internal relationship with other regulations will gradually emerge. This objectively provides a premise for grasping the overall relationship between them. It is based on this characteristic of intellectual thinking that Hegel called intellectuality "the only force that makes all kinds of regulations transition", and it is this transitional nature of intellectuality that determines that it does not constitute the final conclusion about the external world. On the contrary, metaphysics does not emphasize the differences between the provisions of things from the perspective of overcoming the fuzziness and generality of sensibility and ensuring the certainty of thinking, but exaggerates the differences themselves as an abstract principle to exclude the interrelated principles. In its view, since there is a clear line between the provisions of the object, they must be isolated from each other: "Yes, no, no, other than that, it's all nonsense." This completely cancels the connection between things. If we say that in intellectual thinking, the differences in all aspects of the object have relative (transitional) characteristics, then metaphysics gives this difference an absolute and final nature, thus summarizing it as a fundamental view of the whole world.
While affirming the essential difference between intellectual thinking and metaphysics, we should also see that there is no insurmountable gap between them. If we stay in intellectual thinking, deny its transition (that is, deny the necessity of the transformation from intellectual to rational), and regard the fruits of intellectual thinking as a complete and final cognitive form, it will inevitably slide to metaphysics. For example, if you make the intellectual identity absolute and make it the only principle of thinking, it will easily be transformed into metaphysical abstract identity; Pushing the differences between abstract rules to the extreme will inevitably lead to an isolated and static way of thinking. In order to avoid the transformation from intellectual thinking to metaphysics, we must make intellectual thinking subordinate to dialectics, that is, consciously regard intellectual thinking as a subordinate link of dialectical thinking (rational thinking), as Hegel said.
2. Transcendence from intellectuality to rationality.
As a thinking ability, as a necessary link and stage of cognition, intellectuality is obviously necessary and inevitable. As far as the ability, link and way of thinking are concerned, intellectual thinking lacks abstraction, firmness, clarity and principle, and it is easy to grasp the directness, fuzziness, confusion and randomness of perceptual experience, which is the obvious drawback of our traditional culture, so it is necessary to strengthen intellectual thinking in a certain sense. But as far as the development of thinking is concerned, it is not enough to be satisfied with intellectuality and replace rationality with intellectuality. The most basic feature of intellectual thinking is the abstract identity of egoism, and the corresponding non-contradiction and isolation. Intellectuality often makes our thinking consciously or unconsciously stay in the cognitive set of clinging to the present, worshiping noun concepts and labels, grasping the rigidity of linear one-way, one-to-one correspondence, being narrow-minded, eager for quick success and instant benefit, excluding dissidents and party member's arbitrariness. We have always lacked a pursuit of critical rationality and pure rationality, which is to face contradictions, face reality, transcend the present and focus on the future. This gives our traditional culture some intellectual thinking characteristics. The words "intellectuality" and "intellectual beauty" are often used in the description of female roles as well as in the positive female roles.
Personal understanding, the so-called intellectuality seems to refer to the so-called rationality as opposed to sensibility, while the female role praised as intellectuality is nothing more than a smart, sensitive and accurate woman, feeling a bit like a modern professional woman or a female aide.
Intellectuality refers to the natural external temperament of internal culture. To put it bluntly, it is to let people feel with their eyes that this person has a cultural and connotative temperament, which has nothing to do with rational calculation or something.
The words "intellectuality" and "intellectual beauty" are often used in the description of female roles as well as in the positive female roles. Personal understanding, the so-called intellectuality seems to refer to the so-called rationality as opposed to sensibility, while the female role praised as intellectuality is nothing more than a smart, sensitive and accurate woman, feeling a bit like a modern professional woman or a female aide.
Intellectuality will confuse many people. On the one hand, it demands too much, on the other hand, it makes a perceptual world meaningless. And intellectual beauty, it is even more vague; Just like what is modern, post-modern, structural and deconstructive, give him an inexplicable definition and a long list of inexplicable words. The result, of course, is that everyone who looks at it has become a confused question mark.
Intellectuality is the kind of mature, rational, wise and atmospheric women. They usually have a good career development, but they are different from strong women in the secular sense. They are full of intellectual charm, rich in feelings and know what they need. Very neutral at work, but very feminine emotionally. They are different from the simplicity of little girls and the narrowness of little women.
Intellectuality is a kind of calm beauty, which is dressed more calmly after experiencing the impetuousness of youth and the baptism of years. The definition of intellectual beauty is not so clear.