After the Qing army entered the customs, the Qing government once put forward the slogan of "Man and Han families take care of each other", so a large number of Han people were hired as officials. Beijing officials are equally divided between Han and Manchu, and foreign officials are more Han than Manchu. However, most real power positions are in the hands of Manchu nobles, and Han people are in a subordinate position in the ruling class. All Han Chinese have to pay for Manchu, so after the Qing army entered the customs, Manchu nobles and Han Chinese were masters and slaves in the whole Qing society.
Then why the Han people became eunuchs becomes very clear and helpless. Those who go to be eunuchs are poor and can't live. In the Qing Dynasty, Manchu was the ruler and master of the Central Plains. Although the Qing government did not allow Manchu to do business, it raised them with imperial grain and gave them money every month. Manchu people don't have to worry about their own lives, nor will they become eunuchs because of poverty. Moreover, during the Yong Zhengdi period, it was forbidden for standard-bearers to be eunuchs.