The gentleman asked, "What did you come to ask?" The dragon king said, "Please talk about the rain and shine in the sky." Mr. Wang immediately started a lesson and said, "Clouds fan the top of the mountain and fog covers the treetops." If you occupy Yuze, you must be in the Ming Dynasty. " The dragon king said, "When will it rain tomorrow? How heavy is the rain? " Mr. Wang said, "It will be cloudy tomorrow morning, and it will thunder at noon, but it will rain at noon. The water is three feet, three inches and eight minutes." The Dragon King smiled and said, "That's not a joke. If it rains tomorrow, according to the number of hours you rest, I will give you 52 shifts as a thank you. If it doesn't rain, or if it doesn't count by the hour, I'll tell you the truth, I'll smash your facade and your signboard, and I'll immediately kick you out of Chang 'an. I am not allowed to confuse people here! Mr. Wang readily replied, "This must be yours." Please, please, come after the rain in the Ming Dynasty. "
Jinghe Dragon King thinks he is the Rain Dragon God. How can mortal Yuan Shoucheng know when it will rain before himself? He must have won the gamble. Who knows just returned to Jinghe Shuifu, the sky ordered it to rain in Chang 'an tomorrow, and the hour and amount of rain was exactly what Yuan Shoucheng said. Although the Dragon King was shocked and lamented that there were such talents in haunters, he was extremely strong-willed and refused to give up easily. His competitive spirit made him dizzy and decided to change the rainfall time privately and deduct the rainfall. The next day, the Dragon King was caught in the clouds, and it thundered at noon, but it didn't rain at the right time and stopped raining at the right time. * * * It rained at three feet and forty feet for an hour, weighing three inches and eight inches. After the rain, the Dragon King turned into a human form and went straight to Yuan Shoucheng Liuyipu. He smashed the hexagram stall in one breath and told Yuan Shoucheng to get out of Chang 'an at once. But Yuan Shoucheng just quietly watched the Dragon King break it. Finally, he sneered and said, "My little divination booth is worthless. I'm afraid someone has committed a capital crime without knowing it. I know you. You are not Untitled Scholar, you are the King of Jinghe. You change the time privately, deduct the rainfall and engage in dogma. I am afraid that you will be stabbed tomorrow! " King Jinghe panicked and regretted his impulse. He quickly knelt down and begged Yuan Shoucheng for help. Yuan Shoucheng sighed, "it's no use begging me. Tomorrow at 3 noon, you will be beheaded by Wei Zhi. At that time, Wei Zhi was the prime minister of the dynasty. If you can get the personal favor of Tang Wang, there is still a way out. " King Jinghe thanked Yuan Shoucheng and rushed to the palace. Until midnight, Li Shimin, king of the Tang Dynasty, fell asleep. He sneaked into Li Shimin's dream and shouted, "Your Majesty, help me!" King Tang was taken aback: "Who are you? Should I save you? " The dragon king said, "I'm Jinghe outside Chang 'an. Your Majesty is the real dragon, and I'm the industry dragon. I was beheaded by your majesty's saint Wei Zhi, because I made a dogma, so I came to ask for your help! When the King of Tang saw it begging for mercy, he agreed, "Since Wei Zhi was beheaded, I can save you. Don't worry. " The dragon king was relieved and kowtowed and retreated. Li Shimin, the king of the Tang Dynasty, woke up from his dream and thought about what the Dragon King had entrusted to him. After careful consideration, he decided to keep Kevin·Z by his side for one day tomorrow and not let him leave the palace gate, which should save the Dragon King. The next day, after Tang Wang retired from the DPRK, he stayed alone, announced the gold medal list, and called him into the temporary hall to discuss the strategy of consolidating the country first and then the strategy of securing the country. In the afternoon, when he saw that he was fidgeting, the king of Tang laughed and ordered the imperial secretary to take a chess table to discuss with Wei. Wei Zhi dare not, but thank him.