The Monkey King Mishima asked for directions, and Guanyin Ganquan lived in a tree. Four disciples passed by the Armed Pass. Master was away on a business trip and told his disciples to pick some ginseng fruits for Tang Priest. The Tang Priest was afraid of not eating it, so Tong Guan ate it.
Bajie urged Wukong to steal ginseng fruit. Guan Tong was rude to Tang Priest, saying that master and apprentice were thieves, and Wukong angrily smashed the ginseng orchard. When the master came back to force him, Wukong had to ask for prescriptions everywhere to treat the tree, and Guanyin used Ganquan to treat the tree. Wukong and Guan Yu became brothers.
This novel is based on the historical event of "Tang priest learning from the scriptures" and deeply depicts the social reality at that time through the author's artistic processing. The book mainly describes the story of the Monkey King's encounter with Tang Priest, Pig Bajie, Friar Sand after his birth, and his disturbance to the Heaven Palace. He went west to learn from the scriptures, demonized all the way, and after eighty-one difficulties, he finally arrived in the Western Heaven to meet the Tathagata Buddha, and finally the Five Saints died.
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The "Heavenly Palace" in the novel reflects the people's resistance in China feudal society through fairy tales. Of course, fantasy novel's reflection of reality has its own characteristics, which is different from ordinary literary works that directly reflect real life.
The rebels in the "Tiangong" erected the banner of "the Monkey King" and put forward the slogan "The emperors take turns to do it and come to my house next year". One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers will flee with the wind, and the rule of the Heavenly Palace is so shaky that the Jade Emperor has to ask for help. These fictional and fantasy plots are all based on the peasant uprising and peasant war in reality.
The Monkey King's subjugation at the foot of Wuxing Mountain and his subsequent conversion to Buddhism are also inevitable requirements in the development of the plot. Obviously, the Monkey King on Huaguoshan will never give up his life as a king for no reason to help Tang Priest learn from the West. Without this arrangement, he will not be able to transition to the following Buddhist story.
Moreover, the basic outline of The Journey to the West was formed long before Wu Cheng'en, so it is difficult for the author to make fundamental changes in this key place.
Baidu encyclopedia-journey to the west