1. First, we open the Excel table to edit and the table to match.
2. Next, we click the function symbol at the top of the first table.
3. At this point, we click "All Functions" on the Insert Function page, and then click or select "Find and Reference" on the right side of the category.
4. Then, we click "vlookup" in the window, and then click "OK" in the window.
5. At this point, we select the setting to be merged in the first table of the window to make it the lookup value.
6. We choose the content in the second table as the data table.
7. Next, we enter the number of matched data series, and click "False" as the matching condition.
8. At this time, we click "OK", and then click the+sign in the lower right corner of the cell to drag it down, so that the head of household corresponds to the number of households.