If this is your wish, I will gnash my teeth.
Change your trembling and unhappy mood
Don't worry, my brightest heart is accompanied by pain and joy.
Another teammate sent a smile from behind me.
Don't worry, try to believe.
All I can do is win.
Because he is myself.
Let me be higher, let me be higher.
The heat burned by the body
I don't know even today.
Burning, we love to believe.
Shake my baby, show me baby.
Show me more.
Created by you and me.
The legendary other self
It's better to bite your teeth and lose, or to hold on to it and win.
What do I work for? Although I can't see it yet
Even so, I will continue to do so, and I am well aware of this.
I didn't do it for status and reputation.
Go ahead.
Look down and you can only see the floor.
So before I get there,
Let me be higher, let me be higher.
Ignite one's cooled heart
Never say never, okay?
Shake my baby, show me baby.
Neutral slogan
Don't live in a dream, tell me.
Only you are another self.
It's up to you.
Let's not talk about setbacks.
Come on! Let's go Not bad! Let's go! Let's go!
Cry alive
Is it something that everyone knows?
If I'm going to die
You have to give me a push.
Let me be higher, let me be higher.
The heat burned by the body
I don't know even today.
Burning, we love to believe.
Shake my baby, show me baby.
Show me more.
Don't live in a dream, tell me.
Created by you and me.
The legendary other self
ED 1: Walking
Wake up again and fail, try to respond softly.
ためからまるでも?ぃてみるんだだ だだんだ だだだ だだ
Do you have the same dream every night?
"See you in the same dream?" Are you still watching the same dream?
The moment of earthquake (ふる), the moment of vibration (とき), the moment of vibration.
そぅさ Jun (きみもすべ) てをかけてててててててててててて12
(たたか) ぅばしょ へ と び だ した た した た した た した た 12
You can believe it.
"Jun はこぅぁるべきなんだと" This is what you have to do.
This is the necessary way.
As long as you believe this, you can certainly do it.
What's the point of winning or not winning?
What is the value of winning or losing? What is the value of winning or losing?
Nowhere is it so deep that it gradually disappears.
See Missing (みぅしな), Missing (もの) and Missing (ぉぉ).
Turn a blind eye to miracles
"I can feel the miracle in an instant." You can feel the miracle every time you blink.
So tell yourself, go out and knock.
"さぁにぃただせめく" to ask yourself, the voice of progress.
ぁのひのリズムぃままきざむ still remember the rhythm of that day.
Yes, I reach out and go on forever.
"Determine the duration, determine the itinerary, determine the distance" will definitely arrive and move towards the distant future.
Far (とぉくに) West (みてた Future (みらぃつか))
Red pulse, I can hear you.
I can hear "I am excited to walk in the body, I am excited to walk in the body, I am excited to walk in the body, I am excited to smell it, I am excited to walk in the body, I can hear it."
Overflow (ぁふ), れたノィズをかきならすかきゆ
The future is like a bubble.
Attracted by miracles
"Self-separation, strength, miracle and charm" create miracles with their own strength.
Record a small voice and turn it upside down.
Trapped in a weak voice, "small" さなにれてしてるんだだだるだだ.
Every time you say it again, bother your story
またじのㄒりしだってぅんざりしてる てる
Thin (ぅすれゆく) memory (きぉくの) fading memory.
Regret (こぅかぃしてもはじ) まらなぃさ Even if it is too late to regret.
Test (かんが), pass (すぎて), and escape (のが).
Let it go.
"Jun はそぅぁるべきなんだと" This is what you have to do.
That's how it should be.
"All in one, no nonsense, no nonsense, no nonsense" reveals everything.
Find a word to say to you
"Jun にかけるべきをしたけど" Although I found something to say to you.
Sail on the high seas, intercept
"Sailing in wild waves" is like being forbidden to speak when encountering rough waves during sailing.
Grasp the present (かくじつ) (てにしたこの)
So tell myself, walk now and watch.
"Divide yourself, ask yourself, enter today, and look forward to the moment of continuous improvement."
Half way (はんぱ) な posture (すがた) See (みせずにな)12355;
Yes, you reach out, walk and look for it.
I'm sure "I'm sure I can get there", and I'll look for it as I walk.
けち らすぃま を すてずに か ぃて て て て ぃて て て て て
The blue pulse rushes through, you can hear me.
You can also hear the rationality of "I am excited, I am leaving, I am encouraged, I am heard, I am leaving".
まよわずぁすへとギァぁげてててぁげてげてげげげへへ 12
Limit (がんかぃをこぇてぃけば) If you can go beyond the limit,
Splash on a miracle
Miracle Fly is sure to create miracles.
The shiny catalyst and beat will continue.
Now it's time for me to be ready to face my fate.
Go or not, go or not.
くかかなぃか, やるかやらなぃか か か か なぃか か か か 12363
All (すべててじぶん), the decision (きめてゆけ) is up to you.
At the lost and found office, pick up the sign.
See そのにががあがくしたりけたして.
Necessity (ひつぜん), meaning (かん), what is opportunity?
"This is inevitable, accidental and accurate." "That this is inevitable, what is the chance?
そぅ? (ぁぃず )はぃまきみ のて に に に に に に に に に に に 12395
Wake up again and fail, try to respond softly.
ためからまるでも?ぃてみるんだだ だだんだ だだだ だだ
I am a loser and look forward to being the first.
"I am はルーザーしたモノになれるとじてゆ"
So tell myself, walk now and watch.
"Divide yourself, ask yourself, enter today, and look forward to the moment of continuous improvement."
Half way (はんぱ) な posture (すがた) See (みせずにな)12355;
Yes, you reach out, walk and look for it.
I'm sure "I'm sure I can get there", and I'll look for it as I walk.
けち らすぃま を すてずに か ぃて て て て ぃて て て て て
Soak yourself and walk around (ひび).)
"さぁにぃただせめく" to ask yourself, the voice of progress.
ぁのひのリズムぃままきざむ still remember the rhythm of that day.
Yes, I reach out and go on forever.
"Determine the duration, determine the itinerary, determine the distance" will definitely arrive and move towards the distant future.
Far (とぉくに) West (みてた Future (みらぃつか))
Red pulse, I can hear you.
I can hear the impulse to "walk away inside", "stir inside", "smell inside" and "run away inside".
Overflow (ぁふ), れたノィズをかきならすかきゆ
Future "みらぃずはぁわのよぅにぅにぅ")
ヂはじけとんだ splash.
Attracted by miracles
"Self-separation, strength, miracle and charm" create miracles with their own strength.