Total population: 722; Agricultural population: 722; Non-agricultural population:/.
—— Administrative area: 3.3 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 506.5 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: slogans for the development of the Han, Tujia and Miao nationalities;
-Villages under its jurisdiction: 1, 2, 3 and 4 GDP:285 million yuan.
-Main economic industries: flue-cured tobacco, high-quality rice and famous specialty products: rice, flue-cured tobacco and earth eggs. Office: Qishan Village Committee
There are Wujiang Gorge scenic spot along the river, tourist scenic spot along Henan Zhuang, valley scenic spot, carp pond, "barbarian king" cave and other scenic spots near Qishan Village. There are sand plum along the river, goats along the river, buckwheat noodles with bean curd, honey along the river, Yao Xi tribute tea and other special foods.