Open a command window
Start-> run -> Cmd, or press window+R to bring up the command window.
View occupied ports
Enter the command: netstat -ano lists all ports. Watch the occupied ports in the list, such as 49 157, and find them first.
View PID
Check the PID corresponding to the occupied port, enter the command: netstat-aon | findstr "49157", press enter, and write down the last digit, that is, PID, here is 2720.
View process
Continue to enter tasklist | findstr "2720" and press enter to see which process or program occupies port 2720. The result: svchost.exe.
End process
Select a process in the task manager and click the "End Process" button, or enter: taskkill/f/t/im Tencentdl.exe in the command window of cmd.