4K family
Full name of the team: Big Four Intel
Team slogan: game royalty
Team Home Page:/
4K。 dirty
Nationality: Netherlands
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: 4K
Former team: None
Other IDs: APM 70 map hacker, IQ55, Yin and Yang master, AbuseYouDna.
Competition results: WCG 2004 champion, ESWC2005 champion, WCG2005 Dutch qualifier 1, ESWC 2005 Dutch qualifier 2.
4K vision
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: 4K
Former team: AT
Other ids:1.17, WCB_Fov, AT-Fov, FourKings.
Competition results: 2004 ESWC champion, WCG2005 Korea qualifier 1.
4K。 Todd
Nationality: France
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: 4K
Former team: Yes, SK
Other ids: at-yoan m, ForgotaboutDre, 4K. Donnate, u5.bun
Competition result: WCG won the third place in 2004.
4K- Frey
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: 4K
Former team: unknown
Other id: diving
Competition result: WCG 2005 Sweden qualifier 1.
4K。 Zeus [19]
Nationality: Croatia
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: 4K
Former team: unknown
Competition result: WCG 2005 Croatia qualifier 1.
Clan reservoir
Team name: Schroet Kommando
Team slogan: game is faith.
Team Home Page:/
Nationality: Russia
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: SK
Front team: aT, T64
Other id: APM 70, manual-
Competition results: ESWC was runner-up in 2005 and ACON was runner-up in 4 years.
SK。 hot
Nationality: Ukraine
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: SK
Former team: None
Other id: internationale
Competition results:
SK。 Elakedak
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: SK
Former team: T64
Other ID:
Competition results:
SK。 Zachary
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: SK
Former team: Rex (Asia)
Other id:go. d, SK. Zadeh, Velko Meto (WCG), others, P-a-u-l, Drakaz.
Competition results: WCG was runner-up in 2004 and WEG was runner-up in the first season.
SK。 suffer from insomnia
Nationality: Bulgaria
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: SK
Former team: unknown
Other id: bestvaactionacc, oakley
Competition results: WCG 2003 champion, WCG2005 Bulgaria qualifier second.
SK。 crazy frog
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: SK
Former team: Frienz
Other id:eulo. o, CantChat. ,SK。 Crazy ]Q[ frog]
Competition results:No. 1 in Blizzard Global Elite Invitational Tournament, No.2 in ESWC in 2003 and No.2 in ESWC in 2004.
SK。 EvenStar
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: SK
Former team: Rex (Asia)
Other id: rex.evenstar
SK。 Miou
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: SK
Former team: unknown
Other ID:
SK。 take
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: SK
Former team: unknown
Other ID: unknown
Clan WE
Team name: world elite IGE
Team slogan: for happiness, for games.
Main business of the team:/
T. lucifer
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Former team: Cherry (Asia)
Other id: cherry-lucifer
Competition results:
T.MH] Sussila
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Former team: WeRRa
Other id: susira.werra, France
Competition results:
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Former team: Last time, WeRRa (Asia)
Other id:last. BeRa, bera. Vera
T.MH] performance time
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves/orcs/undead
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Front team: Yper, unknown. .
Other id: opponent. Opening time
Competition results:
T.MH] storm
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Former team: unknown
Other id: rocketdiffe
T.MH] eve
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Front Team: Cherry
Other id: cherry-eve
T.MH] Ciara
Nationality: Denmark
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: MYM. Hambit
Former team: unknown
Other id: ciara, that's enough
Clan Fntc
Full name of the team: Fnatic team
Team slogan: None
Battle home page:/
Fnatic。 Sass
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: night elves
Current team: Fntc
Former team: T64
Other id: echelon-Kun, DeadLeaves
Competition results:
Fnatic。 Bialke
Nationality: Denmark
Good at race: human beings
Current team: Fnatic
Former team: MYM
Other id: grrgrrrrrauw
Competition result: WCG 2005 Danish qualifier 1.
Fnatic。 Rotterdam
Nationality: Netherlands
Good at race: orcs
Current team: Fntc
Former team: 3WD
Other id: fnatic.vo0
Competition results:
Fnatic。 sweet basil
Nationality: Denmark
Good at race: orcs
Current team: Fntc
Former team: plan b
Other ID: unknown
Fnatic。 sunlight
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: human beings
Current team: Fntc
Former team: plan b
Other id: sunshine.eve
Fnatic。 Wankel
Nationality: Greece
Good at race: the undead
Current team: Fntc
Former team: Yper
Other id: you can't win.
Fnatic。 Creole
Nationality: Norway
Good at race: night elves
Current team: Fntc
Former team: T64
Other id: 64 amd.creo, TiYawa
Competition result: WCG 2005 Norway qualifier 1.
Family game
Team full name: A.S Teamplay.it
Team slogan: e-sports in evolution
Team home page: o
Nationality: Czech Republic
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: IT
Former team: unknown
I used the ID: lastmarking (note: MaDFroG also used this ID in a game with Grubby, and giacomo used this ID to make people mistake it for MaDFroG).
Nationality: Czech Republic
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: IT
Former team: unknown
The network card with ID: hum (4) has been used.
Mouz family
Team name: Mousesports. BenQ Gail
Team slogan: None
Team Home Page:/
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: mTw
Former team: unknown
ID used: unknown
MTw- eyelashes
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: mTw
Former team: unknown
ID used: unknown
Nationality: Lithuania
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: mTw
Former team: T64
Other ID: unknown
Competition result: WEG won the third place in the second season.
Nationality: Bulgaria
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: mTw
Front team: 4K, DKH
Other ID: unknown
Competition result: unknown
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: mTw
Former team: unknown
Other ID:
Competition results:
Nationality: Germany
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: mTw
Former team: Lan Fan.
Other ID:
Competition results:
Nationality: Netherlands
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: mTw
Front team: fight
Other id: eso.nl] zerter
Competition result: 1 In the ESWC 2005 Dutch qualifier.
Nationality: Sweden
Good at race: the undead
Today's team: mTw
Front team: fight
Other ID: unknown
Competition results:
Clan minibus
Full name of the team: Plan B in Sweden
Team slogan: be part of something bigger
Main business of the team:/
TmG。 Carla
Nationality: Russia
Good at race: human beings
Current team: TmG
Front team: T64, Fntc
Other ids: fntc.cara, Caravaggio64AMD.
Competition results:
TmG。 homer
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: human beings
Current team: TmG
Former team: WCB, Asia
Other id: avatar lof.homerunball
Competition result: WCG 2005 won the third place in the Korean qualifier.
TmG。 Miss, lady
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Current team: TmG
Former team: lOV
Other id: lov.shaya, Miss
Clan tribe
Team full name: Guardians.wc3
Team slogan: unknown
Team Home Page:/(Page out of date)
Just ... Sharapova
Nationality: Bulgaria
Good at race: human beings
Current team: JP
Former team: WTA
Other id: shadow walker
Just ... diesel engine
Nationality: Bulgaria
Good at race: night elves
Current team: JP
Former team: WTA
Other ID:
Competition result: WCG2005 Bulgaria qualifier 1.
Clan u5
Team full name: United 5
Team slogan: unknown
Team Home Page:/
U5。 Pato
Nationality: Brazil
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: u5
Former team: unknown
Other ID: unknown
Competition result: WCG2005 Brazil qualifier? name
GG team
Full name of the team: good game
Team slogan: unknown
Team Home Page: Unknown
GG 18。 Wolf
Nationality: France
Good at race: night elves
Team today: GG
Former team: mouz MYM
Other ID: unknown
Competition results:
GG。 FatC
Nationality: France
Good at race: human beings
Team today: GG
Frontline: SK
Other ID: none
Competition result: unknown
Clan NiP
Team name: ninja in pajamas
Team slogan: unknown
Team Home Page:/
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: the undead
Current team: NiP
Former teams: MYM, Mouz, I, WCB, St. Petersburg
Other ids: r.e.m., 1. 17 undead, St_GoStop, RayCharles.
Competition results: WEG runner-up in the second season
NiP rainbow
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: human beings
Current team: NiP
Front team: 4K, Mouz, one, WCB.
Other id: WCB _ rainbow, sentimental
Competition results:
narrow lane
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Current team: NiP
Front team: Lof, Mouz, one, last
Other id: mouzloff.way. BenQ. Last place. way
Competition results:
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: orcs
Current team: NiP
Front team: Mouz, MYM, cherry
Other id: headache, Mouz. BenQ. Boss, cherry prophet.
Competition results:
Japan nangchun
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Current team: NiP
Former team: WCB
Other id: rainbow bridge?
Competition results:
South China Sea of Japan
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Current team: NiP
Former team: WCB
Other id: WCB arena
Competition results:
Tribal west Nile virus
wNv。 small
Nationality: China.
Good at race: orcs
Today's team: wNv
Former team: 17 game
Other id: mylife _, (with the help of T's fans)
Competition results: champion of ESWC 2003, champion of ESWC 2004, runner-up of WCG in 2004 and second place of WCG in China in 2005.
Clan Khan
Full name of the team: Salmon Khan
Team slogan: unknown
Team Home Page: Unknown
Freedom [sweat]
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Current team: Khan
Former team: WeRRa
Other id: freedom.werra
Competition results:
Rule [sweat]
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: the undead
Current team: Khan
Front Team: Cherry
Other id:cherry-region
Competition result: 2005 ESWC third place
No team spirit:
Ghost moon
Nationality: Korea
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: None
Former teams: MYM, One, 4K, Mouz, Pentek.
Other ids: last.day, MYM]Moon, Mylady, Moon[One], JangJaeHo.
Competition results: WEG champion in the first season, WEG champion in the second season.
Nationality: Finland
Good at race: night elves
Today's team: None
Front team: DKH, GG, play
Other id:gg87. satini,
Nationality: Finland
Good at race: human beings
Today's team: None
Front team: fight
ID used: unknown