People are most likely to get carried away when they want to ascend to heaven. Nian Gengyao was determined to be Kun in the First World War, and he began to feel smug because of the victory of the war. He not only made officials kneel, but also bought officials privately and promoted them to the court. Remove the armor? 、? Three rejections? The emperor asked Yongzheng to tolerate all these things. But Nian Gengyao didn't have a little convergence, so he sent Yongzheng to the northwest? New Deal? Sun Jiacheng was killed. As the saying goes, chess is one step behind. Nian Gengyao not only offended Yongzheng, but also the whole Qing faction, which also gave the Eight Ye Party a chance to fan the flames.
General Hangzhou ranks as a military attache and is responsible for all the Eight Banners soldiers under Hangzhou's jurisdiction, including training, preparation and combat. It can be said that the power of general Hangzhou is to command and train the Eight Banners, and he can't control the rest. Of course, General Hangzhou also has the responsibility to supervise all green camp people in his area. If there is any change in green camp, General Hangchow can control all green camp first, and then report it to the Emperor for disposal. And if the situation is urgent, you can even act first and then act, and directly kill all these green camp people by military action.
As the saying goes, it is a natural law for people to cool with tea. When Nian Gengyao got something, it was crowded, and now the declining Nian Gengyao gate is empty; The person who pushed him at the beginning is now the person who blacked him out; How high you held it in those days, how painful it is to fall now. Although there are official positions from Yipin and yellow jacket, the officials and people have reached a * * * understanding on overthrowing Nian Gengyao, and Nian Gengyao has become a rat crossing the street, which can be described as everyone shouting. The emperor demoted his Hangzhou general, but it was the excessive decline of Nian Gengyao.