Scheme 2: session*** sharing (recommended), that is, when the server sends a distribution request to a machine, it will first check whether there is a user's session in the session cache database, and if there is one, it will be taken out, otherwise a new one will be created. So how to solve this conversation? * * * There are two methods: 1 and memcached caching scheme. 2.Redis caching scheme. The following focuses on the problems encountered in the * * * * seminar:
1, memcached caching scheme
The Memcached cache database is dedicated to managing sessions. Memcached caching services can be integrated with tomcat to help tomcat *** enjoy managing sessions.
Install the memory cache:
# yum–y Install memory cache 1 1
Start memcached (the default port is11211):
# service memcached start 1 1
Testing memcached database through telnet
# telnet localhost 1 12 1 1 1 1
Set abc 0 0 5
Get abc
quit 1234 1234
Copy the memcached jar package to tomcat's lib, and the download address of the jar package is: Orange function. Tomcat . redis sessions . redis session handler valve "/>
& ltmanager class name = " com . orange function . Tomcat . redis sessions . redis session manager "
host = " 192. 168. 17.4 "
Port ="6379 "
Database ="0 "
maxInactiveInterval = " 60 "/& gt; Seek adoption. Adoption, adoption, adoption