Le Pen summed up his political platform in the book France First, including calling for amending the Constitution and putting forward the proportional representative election system; Economically implement non-nationalization; Restrict the right to strike; Resume the death penalty and strengthen public security and civil defense construction. Le Pen's most famous slogan is "France first". The "National Front" he led is a far-right organization recognized by France. 1In the early 1980s, the National Front took advantage of the dissatisfaction caused by domestic economic depression and unemployment to advocate national chauvinism, xenophobia and racism. He believes that France is being invaded by foreigners, which has caused unemployment and crime and led to the decline of national culture. It flaunts that it opposes both the left-wing government and the right-wing representing the big bourgeoisie. In two or three years, the National Front attracted a group of unemployed youth, small and medium-sized business owners and freelancers, and its membership increased from 500 to 25,000. In the local elections in August, 1995, the National Front gained control of three important cities in the south. This phenomenon of the rise of extreme right-wing forces in France is called "Le Pen phenomenon" or "National Front phenomenon" by the media.
The National Front clearly and strongly opposes immigrants, especially African immigrants, entering France and advocates maintaining "national purity". Oppose the EU and free trade, and advocate tariff barriers to protect domestic economic development and people's employment. Oppose abortion, homosexuality, etc.