Why do you say that the establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC) ushered in a new era in the history of China?
The establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC) declared that the era of China people being masters of their own affairs had arrived, thus opening a new era in the history of China. First, the history of imperialist powers oppressing China and enslaving the people of China has come to an end, and the humiliation suffered by the Chinese nation over the past century has been washed away. Began to stand on its own feet among the nations of the world with a brand-new attitude. China, which accounts for a quarter of the human population, has stood up since then. Second, the history of feudal and bureaucratic capitalist rule in China is over, and the broad masses of people who have been oppressed and bullied for a long time have turned over politically and become the masters of a new society and country for the first time. A Republic that truly belongs to the people has been established. Third, the history of warlordism, frequent wars and banditry ended, the country was basically unified, ethnic groups were United, the social and political situation became stable, and people of all ethnic groups began to live and work in peace and contentment. It is time for the people to concentrate on economic and cultural construction. Fourthly, it fundamentally changed the direction of China's social development and created a prerequisite for the transition from new democracy to socialism. Fifth, China's * * * production party has become the ruling party of the whole country. It can use state power to unite and mobilize the strength of the whole country. Consolidate the achievements of national independence and people's liberation, liberate and develop social productive forces, and benefit the people of all ethnic groups and the whole Chinese nation. In a word, the establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC) marks the basic victory of China's new-democratic revolution, the end of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and the establishment of a new-democratic society nationwide.