The source of 7S slogan
7S was invented by Japan in recent years. 7S are seven Japanese words: SEIRI (sorting), SEITON (rectifying), SEISO (sweeping), SEIKETSU (sweeping), SHITSUKE (literacy), Service (service) and Shikoku. Because these five words are all pronounced as "s", they are collectively referred to as ". Its specific type, content and typical significance are to throw away garbage and things that the warehouse has long wanted. Now, bosses in markets and factories, etc. In order to better cultivate and train employees, they use 7s as a slogan and poster to train employees, so they are also called 7s slogan, 7s poster, 7s wall chart, 7s picture, 7s poster, 7S propaganda slogan, 7S propaganda poster and 7S management slogan.