The dragon suddenly appeared.
Brought disaster and disappeared with the princess.
This kingdom is very dangerous.
Who is the bravest person in the world?
A brave man came up and shouted
"I want to bring the best sword.
Climb the highest mountain
Break into the deepest part of the forest
Bring the princess to the front. "
The king was very happy.
Ask his name.
The young man thought about it.
he said
"Your majesty, my name is Dara Benguer, and Bedi Budo Birun has been discovered.
say it again
Bedibdobiruon was found in Dala Beng Bar. "
"Isn't it?
Bedibdobiruon was found in Dala Beng Bar. "
"Ah rightness rightness.
Bedibdobiruon was found in Dala Beng Bar. "
Hero Dala Bengba
Ride the fastest horse
Set out from the castle with everyone's hope.
Defeat the monster's attack
Get twelve gold coins
Numerous scars witnessed his gradual escalation.
A remote and beautiful village
Open all the treasure boxes.
Wind and frost accompanied by holy moonlight guide the way forward.
Break into a cave
The princess and the terrible dragon
The hero drew his sword.
Long Shuo
"I'm Kunduku Takati, thanks to Suva Celasen.
once again
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silasson "
"Isn't it?
Quint violin baking egg tart soda marathon "
"No, it is.
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silasson "
Dala Bengba Bande Bedibdobiruon
cutting direction
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silazon
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silazon
Dala Bengba Bande Bedibdobiruon
Dala Bengba Bande Bedibdobiruon
He failed.
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silazon
Princess Mia Mora Suna Danni Xie Lihong
Mundaruk Thisberg, Balak, Gubic
The king heard.
Dala Bengba Bande Bedibdobiruon
He failed.
Kuntu Kuta Katikot Suva Silazon
Princess Mia Mora Suna Danni Xie Lihong
Married to
Dala Bengba Bande Bedibdobiruon
Dalabang, Princess Mia is as happy as a fairy tale.
They gave birth to a child and grew up day by day.
In order to avoid future troubles, the child is called Wang Haoran.
His full name is difficult to pronounce.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.