More and more sellers offer "free return" service. There is a simple reason. Free return can reduce shopping friction and improve conversion rate. When buyers know that goods can be returned for free, it is usually easier to decide to buy goods.
The disadvantage of free return is that many buyers use "free return" to return goods at will.
The most effective way to reduce the return rate is to cancel the free return. However, canceling the free return is risky, which may lead to a decrease in sales, but e-commerce can improve its competitiveness by lowering prices and customer experience.
2. Encourage customers to keep goods through economic means.
Another way to reduce returns is to encourage customers to keep products through economic incentives. There are many ways to encourage customers. For example, StitchFix, an online styling company, sent a gift box to its customers, which contained five clothes. They offered a free return, but if the customers didn't return it, the gift box would be discounted by 7.5%.