1. Open the registry [HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ current control set \ control \ terminal server \ WDS \ rdpwd \ TDS \ TCP] and modify the value of the port number on the right. Its default value is 3389, which can be modified to the desired port, such as 3369;
2. Open the registry [HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ current control 1set \ control \ terminal server \ Winstations \ RDP-TCP] again, and modify the value of the port number on the right. Its default value is 3389, so it can be modified to the desired port, such as 3369;
3. Restarting the computer will take effect.
Setting method of remote desktop connection:
1. Set the permissions of server users and establish remote access users.
2. Set the user's permissions under the user attribute.
3. Set the remote connection parameters of the server, right-click My Computer, select Properties, and select Remote in the pop-up system properties window to open the remote parameter setting window.
4. Check "Enable Remote Desktop on this computer", click "Select Remote User", select the newly created remote access user and add it to the access window, and click "OK".